November 13, 2018

Judy ~ Some Finished Projects

Where does time go?  Lately the days seem to disappear extra quickly, even when we gained an extra hour.  Sigh.  It's been busy here: lots of singing, some travel, and believe it or not, some finishes! (You can see the explantions for these projects on my blog.)

This stocking is different on the other side.

On this one both sides are the same.

Have a great week and a very Happy Thanksgiving! 


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Great projects!, I especially like that frog hat.
Is the tree square part of an afghan or a wash cloth? Its really cool.

Judy S. said...

An afghan, and I understand they've been besieged with squares and need help sewing them together...if only they weren't so far away.

Moira said...

Wonderful projects!

Judy S. said...

Thanks to both of you for the sweet comments!