April 29, 2012

Debra: April Reveal of CQJP and TAST-Wheatear

Here's the full view of my April yellow-orange sewing themed block for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project.

Now for some details for you to enjoy!

The floral arrangement was a happy coincidence!  I've had both in different drawers but they wanted to be together.  They fit so well!  The outer flower is crocheted (by an etsy seller).  I used my original outlined curve as an opportunity to make the scalloped edging around the block. Something had to be done with that poorly stitched outline!

Wheatear to the left (jokers to the right--that earworm courtesy of Carol) and a woven ribbon through some dressmaker's trim couched down with straight stitches.  I had added the barred chain earlier in the month but it faded away so I added a single chain later. Overall it's a nice effect.

Pretty little tatted motif that Suz sent me--the colors are perfect for this block!

'60s vintage buttons from Sears Roebuck (I know because these are from my mom's sewing stuff and I remember those buttons!) & thimble charm.  I like this little dangling idea!

Little flat crochetted circle turned into a flower.  The butterfly was tatted by Suz and flew in to land on that funky flower.  Carol mentioned oyster stitch in an email so I gave it a shot--unfortunately, the perle cotton didn't translate well and they look like blobs. (But, my motto here is--this is a learning project.  It does not have to be perfect.)

Wheatear done with 6 plies of DMC.  I like the wheatear.  It's a good "go to" stitch for the Stitch Stash.  I also stitched a buttonhole to look like a satin stitch using one of Carole Samples' templates.  I am a little dismayed that the thread soaked up the water soluble ink.  I've wet it 2x and I can still see it.  Hmmm.  Again, moving on.

I wanted to practice my outline stitch a little more so came up with this figure 8ish motif.  Those star/flowers are little felt cutouts from Michaels $1 bins.  I find lots of good CQ stuff in those!  I attached them with detached chain stitches.  The whole attach/detach scheme!
You can also see a close-up view of the yellow circles.  Again, detached chain with french knots.

Next month's color scheme is Yellow and then I am moving out of the red/yellow section of the color wheel into the Green/Blues.  I'm really tickled with this project.  I'm expanding my stitch combinations by trying to think of different arrangements and I am working with new colors.  Because of this project, I was able to look at another CQ project and realize that, Yes, Virginia, it needs some other colors added.  I never know what my projects are going to tell me!


Carol-Ann said...

Truly, truly amazing and shows what a joy it must have been to sew. So much eye candy where does one begin, buttons and bows, button cluster with a thimble for a bell, floral arrangements, crocheted circle sunflower I could go on and on and I've not even mentioned seam treatments. One point though if you will put fabric representing wine glasses near your sewing you must expect a little spillage and feel sure you did it on purpose! Just love everything.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I thought you used variegated thread on your buttonhole/satin stitch part! So much pretty stuff to look at here, my favorite is probably the dangling thimble.

Debra Dixon said...

Ha! Ha! I am more likely to spill Coke on everything.

thank you! this is turning into a very fun project.

Debra Dixon said...

Good, that's what I am going with, if asked!

Isn't that thimble a great charm? I am on the lookout for a few more sewing charms-still more months to go.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Really nice seam combinations Debra. Your block has such a perfect focal point and all your treatments support it nicely. There is no mistaking the story on this block. It appears in the photo you also have a nice combo/balance of yellow and orange color strengths in this block that when the blocks are between the other two there will be a harmonious transition. I really like the dangling thimble. Nice touch.

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, Connie! You are so sweet.

Like Carol, I am making a journal. Each page is a color page so as you flip through the book, it's going to be obvious you are moving around the color wheel. It's a new idea I am exploring & it's fun.

Peacock said...

I love the contrasting textures in this block: the felt and the crochet and tatting and buttons and charms...
I also like the way the black polkadots are a recurring theme, echoed by your french knots and oyster stitches.
What a clever idea to thread black ribbon through the mousetail gimp trim!
This block is really wonderful, Debra! And I agree with the varigated thread explanation. :)

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, Tahlia! The more I do CQ, the more fearless I am about mixing in all the various textures.

Judy S. said...

Gosh, Debra, you've sure set your bar high for your next block! Love the thimble; it's the perfect finishing touch. And Suz's contributions are interesting, too. The fluffy one makes me think of a bouquet of fall flowers, and the polkadot bow sets it off very nicely. Fun way you fastened down the yellow circles and 6-pointed flowers, a new spin on couching! Your color book is going to be a real treasure!

Cyra said...

By looking at this block Debra, I would hazard a guess that you have had a very 'happy' month. It is truly a wonderful block.

The only problem I have now, is that you have reminded me that I didn't put a crochet piece on my block, hahaha, but I can at least remedy that.

You have certainly got some inspiring features and 'inventions' here.

I love how we are all BOUNCING ideas back and forth and coming up with something totally unique.

Cyra said...

p.s. your "earworm" comment had me looking around your block for some stitching that looked like an earworm (I've no idea what an earworm looks like). How daft am I?

Suztats said...

Wowzers! Debra, this block keeps getting better and better! I love everything about it, especially the repeating polka-dots theme in different guages. There is so much eye candy, but it's all perfect harmony.

Debra Dixon said...

You are so nice to say that! This was about 2-3 days of concentrated handwork.

Debra Dixon said...

An earworm is a bit of a song that gets stuck in your head and won't leave. Carol made a comment earlier about the song that went, "jokers the right, clowns to the left" and it made me think of my embroidery description.

Debra Dixon said...

and the tatting is great too! Thanks again!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I remember that song but never heard the term earworm before.

Debra Dixon said...

Earworm Link

Anonymous said...

It's all wonderful, and I love every bit of it, but that yellow on yellow to the top right of the center just grabs me! I saw things from a lot of inspirational sources, and they all harmonize on this sunny yellow.

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, Susan. Even this restricted color palette has alot of opportunities for exploration.

Barbara C said...

There are so many wonderful details here. I've got some of the loopy trim (in black) and I'm inspired to use it now that I see how you've couched it. Such exuberant work!