April 29, 2012

Carol - April reveal - TAST

On Safari traversing the plains and spotting elephants on the horizon and cheetah lazing in the shade of an acacia tree.  Coming to a halt and soaking up the wild panorama, engrossed in the daily soap opera of life in the wild - magical moments, unforgettable experiences.  Sorry to be leaving!

Centre patch with giraffe and buffalo charms

Scrap of animal fabric which had to be pieced, fly and pistil stitch seam treatment

Pile of decaying wood disguised as a button cluster!  Stem stitch, barred chain and threaded ribbon. Pond life - French knots and wheatear stitch

Exotic flower - stem stitch and bead cluster also interlaced band. 

Scary! ("The Day of the Triffids") but had to find somewhere for my satin stitch leaf!  Seam treatments - couched thread - chevron and herringbone (combination snagged from Debra's block), satin stitch band.

Facing page with pocket of notes.  May go back and add more stitches later.

Sarah now on her way to next month's destination!!!


Debra Dixon said...

OMG!!! What a feast for the eyes! You are so good at this natural approach. For crying out loud!

I am also just thrilled to see some of the supplies pressed into service. They had been waiting a long time for their 15 minutes of fame.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

What a superb block! Africa must have been very inspiring for Sarah. Wonder where she'll end up next?

Debra Dixon said...

Tee hee. I know!

Peacock said...

Your enthusiasm for this project is absolutely infectious!
Every single element works so well with all the others. I love the color combo and placement, the textural variety, the animal charms, the inclusion of words on your block.. all of it. :) Your satin stitch leaf is wonderful, and wonderfully placed. (Day of the Triffids! That was a good book.) I love how this block intertwines detail work and distance views!

Carol-Ann said...

You're very kind.

Judy S. said...

Fabulous work, Carol. So many things to see! I love the tufty stitching around the Afrika/elephant "poster" and the flower cluster atop that fun leaf spray. The charms are a perfect touch. Love the whole thing. And where is Ms. Sarah headed next? She's one adventurous gal!

Cyra said...

OMG so much to see, so much to read, so much to study, so much to investigate. What an adventure.

You have certainly entertained us again this month Carol. Thank you. I love all your seam treatments and block embellishing.

Looking forward to the next installment of Sarah's travels.

jenclair said...

Wonderful! I'm glad you found the perfect place for that leaf. This quilt is such a treasure of Sarah's travels.

Anonymous said...

Your blocks are amazing. I can almost feel I'm traveling to each place! You've used so much wonderful detail! I wonder where we're going next.

Suztats said...

Sarah is one lucky gal! This block is fabulous! I like everything about it!

Barbara C said...

Your block tells your story with such wonderful details. I love the button cluster and the leaf composition. Great colors and textures.