April 29, 2012

Angela ~ Wheat Ear Stitch ~ Mystery Novel

My choice of subject was the birthday of one of my favorite mystery writers: Sue Grafton.  She writes the alphabet mysteries about female private investigator Kinsey Millhone.  A is for Alibi was the first in the series and I believe she is up to V now, this design has been used on each successive book. 
The aida cloth is really a very sunny yellow, not muted at all.  I used a bright green, pale olive and black DMC cotton thread and white pearl cotton for Sue's name.  Most of this is stem stitched with the outline of the cover in wheat ear.
I didn't plan the stitch count and ended up 2 squares too far on the top border.  I left it as is because nothing is perfect except the Creator and even the Native American weavers leave a 'mistake' in on purpose for that reason.  The bottom border I skipped one square on each side and it looks a lot neater.  I did a running stitch in between the wheat ears on top & bottom as it looked unfinished without it.


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Another nice page. The bright yellow really pops. I like the idea you are celebrating the birthday of one of your favorites.

Debra Dixon said...

I wondered all week how you were going to use the wheatear for your page. You combined it nicely with the other stitches. It looks really good on the Aida cloth--so regular and full.

Carol-Ann said...

I too love a good mystery novel and a fan of Sue Grafton and when I pick up her next book it will remind me of your page, lovely tribute to her birthday.

Judy S. said...

Great idea, Angela! I love Sue Grafton books, too. You stitched lots of nice looking wheatears. I like the way you varied it across the top and bottom by making them detached. Another wonderful page!

Cyra said...

What a neat idea Angela and a very personal subject for you. Very nicely stitched too. I only know about the mistake because you brought my attention to it haha. Ah well, as you say, nothing is perfect.

jenclair said...

The wheatear makes a great border for your "book cover"!

Anonymous said...

Angela, if you hadn't said anything, I would never have noticed the stitches extending. It looks like part of the design and intentional! Love the topic for this one!

Suztats said...

I haven't read a Sue Grafton mystery for too long, and I didn't know it was her birthday. Nice way to celebrate it with your book cover stitching. It looks great!

Barbara C said...

This would make a great challenge: to come up with book covers for a favorite author. It's a very nice tribute.