March 3, 2012


I combined TAST with my CQJP this week and couched in several areas of my block.
 You can see more on my blog post here.
I started another 'pebble' and here's my progress to date.

Lots more encrusting to do!
I'd love to read your comments and suggestions! Thank you.
Hugs from Suz


Carol-Ann said...

The start of yet another beautiful pebble, are these "special" pebbles (if there are such things)? The block is great too!

Suztats said...

Thanks, Carol. The pebbles are part of the "Pebble Adventure" on stitchin fingers. I'm creating some to decorate with in my new bathroom.

Carol-Ann said...

Pebble adventure is new to me and will have to investigate further. What a wonderful way to decorate your new bathroom and will give it a lovely glow.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I think you are doing a great job Suz. Your blocks are fun and playful. I like the rick rack and the fact it doesn't scream rick rack. The pebble is wonderful. Did you crochet the brown and white netting? I'm loving this as well. I feel myself being tugged another direction toward attempting this, but I have signed up to learn (try to learn!) Chikan. It starts on the 7th. I would like to order more hours please!

Judy S. said...

Love the way you attached the "Noel" ribbon. The block looks great! I, too, am curious about the "netting" and how it's done. Can't wait to see the next step.

Here's a question: is the under part of your hoop wrapped? And if so, with what? I just read something that said to wrap it in cloth tape? My hoop is slipping lately, and it sounds like wrapping would fix that? Any suggestions?

Judy S. said...

If you figure out "the hour thing," let me know please.....;)

Anonymous said...

There's so much to see on your CQJP block! The pebble looks more interesting than the first one, if that's possible. You're really experimenting with that technique, and I look forward to seeing what comes next on this one.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Just get twill tape and wrap the inside hoop tightly, securing the end with a few stitches on the inside. It makes a world of difference.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

These pebbles are just fabulous! And your CQ is not bad either!

Suztats said...

Hey Carol, for more info on the encrusted pebble:

Suztats said...

Thanks Connie! I'm having fun doing my blocks. ;-)
The netting on the pebble is the 'net' stitch, which is really easy to do. Unfortunately, I don't crochet (yet! but I have a kit, just need to set some time aside....)
Net stitch: create a base row of outline stitch. Make successive rows of loose buttonhole stitch, once the initial row is created and anchored into the outline stitches. Hope that's clear.
Yep, I'm signed up for the Chikan class, too. I've also been thinking of participating in a pincushion for a
Placing my order,

Suztats said...

The small plastic one was wrapped, but I kept getting too close to the fabric edge and stitched through the wrapping several times....what a pain! But then the hoop broke so I bought a new wooden one, and right now it's tight enough, When it begins to be too loose, I'll probably wrap it, too......or use the saved, wrapped plastic one (same size)
Judy please see my reply to Connie above re creating the net

Suztats said...

Thanks CQ4fun, I'm interested in seeing how the pebbles develop, too, since I'm stitching off the cuff, so to speak. I haven't preplanned anything except for the hidden elements.

Suztats said...

So fun! ;-D

Debra Dixon said...

Between you with these pebbles and Jen Claire and her prayer flags, I'm ready to chuck my projects and try yours! Such fun!!

Suztats said...

Climb aboard, Debra! It's such fun to do I hate to put it down! I'm enjoying the warm sand tones, and I'm also thinking "hmmmm wonder how they'd look in various shades of different colours....a green one, a blue one.....purple! yes!"

Debra Dixon said...

Oh, I can see this would be fun---and a great place for some tatted goodness too!

Suztats said...

Oh, yes, and all kinds of embroidery and stitchy fun! Even ribbons might add a special look, and found objects from a beach......heheheh

jenclair said...

Gorgeous new pebble, Suz! And that wonderful spider wheel...just lovely!

Suztats said...

Thanks Jenclair. It was a bit of a challenge,as this was my first one ever (so, of course, I had to make it a huge one, didn't I? WWIT?) but thanks to Cy's tute, it came to be! Thanks Cy!

Debra Dixon said...

Ha! Ha! been there!

Barbara C said...

You've accomplished a lot this week. There are so many wonderful textures.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Thanks for that link Suz. I'm going to check it out too. I need more to do ;-D.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Yay! We can compare notes on Chikan. I have looked at samples online to decide a color, and just love it all.

Thanks for the description of the Net Stitch. That sounds interesting. I can't tell from the photo on yours where the base row is. We may need a 'tutorial' to go along with the others.

I haven't seen the pincushion challenge and I'm now covering my eyes and ears so I don't. DH would have me committed if I take on much more.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I don't use hoops much but did see a product at Hobby Lobby, a sort of tape, that affixes to the hoop so fabrics won't slip. I thought it was a tad expensive so I didn't buy it.

Suztats said...

for the Chikan, I'm going to do variegated pale embroidery floss on white muslin, just to see how it goes. Did you increase your pattern to the size specified? Someone posted on StitchMap to increase to 135% with an overlap of .05. My comp printed it out on 4 sheets that I now have to join together, but I probably chose the wrong setting for that.
The pincushion challenge is from Piecework magazine.
Don't know if I can do a tute at present....what with comp upload/download difficulties. We'll see.......

Suztats said...

I just used some bias tape I had sitting around in a colour I didn't think I'd want to use for hemming, or whatever.... the wrapping took some time, and then I tacked it here and there so it couldn't unravel.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Variegated embroider on white should be really pretty. I think I've settled on pale pink with white floss. I want to do a CQ block in pink. I've been pulling a bunch of pink fabrics, trims etc. I did increase my pattern, but I imported it into Freehand and sized it into a box the appropriate size. Resizing is difficult.

Don't worry about the tute. I don't have time to play with it now either~lol.

Peacock said...

I especially like the line of beads down the center of the ruched lace on your Christmas block!

Suztats said...

Thanks Peacock. It's basically a looped beaded line done in an outline stitch. I string ~ 5 beads and create a loop with them, and run the needle halfway back along the length of the loop to begin the next one. It's a nice effect, and adds a bit of height, too. I use this often in my CQing.