March 24, 2012

Cy - CQJP - TAST - Quilt Blocks & Life

CQJP - TAST - Quilt Blocks & Life

Life got in the way of my online presence over the last few weeks and trouble always seems to come in 3's.

See my blog for more on Life's Little Troubles

TAST update

At the moment I can't remember where I got up to, but here are some that I have done on the chunky, brightly coloured, highly textured cushion that I'm making for my (almost blind) mum.

Chain Stitch
Running Stitch
Whipped Spider Wheel (tutorial on previous post on my blog)

There are other stitches on this cushion too, as I'm slowly building up the colour and texture.
I have actually done a few more Whipped Spider Wheels on here, but no current photos as yet. You will have to wait for next weekends reveal for that.


CQJP - February Finally Finished

Yes, I have finally got to a finishing stage for my February CQ block.
There is still more I would like to do on it, but I have run out of time, and really need to concentrate on my March block.

And some details.

Stumpwork butterfly.


Other Projects

I have also stitched this Kiwifruit applique block for the Prostate Cancer fundraiser quilt, that my local quilt group are making.

And the following pic is the block I've entered in the block lotto for March at the quilt group.
The theme for this month was the Grandmother's Flower Garden Block and had to have a cream background.
All hand stitched.

Well that's me done for another reveal.

Happy Stitching.


Debra Dixon said...

So, so, So Happy to see you back and in such good form too!

Absolutely, without reservation, love your daisies! You are the Mistress of the Whipped Wheel!
and the Butterfly is so gorgeous. I should learn to do stumpwork-it amazes me completely.

Lovely Work, Cy!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Wow! You know how to make a presence! All beautiful stitching. Love your wheels. Your blue stitching on the fan shape really adds a lovely touch. The colorful cushion you are making for your mum is fantastic. The stumpwork butterfly looks real enough to fly away. I need to learn how to do that! Your quilt entry is amazing. The Kiwi fruit looks good enough to eat. Lots of beautiful details and I'm so glad you are back!!!

Carol-Ann said...

Had to enlarge your butterfly to see your beautiful stitches, looked too good to be true! Kiwi wouldn't look amiss in anyone's fruit bowl, your daisies are to die for and the colours of your block in a class of their own. Adore the cushion, you can feel the texture just by looking at your photos. All W o n d e r f u l

Debra Dixon said...

You & me both on the stumpwork. Let's put it on the list for next year, shall we?

Suztats said...

Wow! You've been very busy, and everything beautifully done. Love your work! Glad you're back, too.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...


Anonymous said...

The hexagon patterns blow me away. It has a very kaleidoscope feeling! I also really like what you did with the whipped wheel and some of the other details on your finished February block. Great inspiration!

Debra Dixon said...


NancyD said...

I am so totally impressed.
First with the work on the bright pillows for your mum, then with the whipped wheels. I second that you are the queen of whipped wheels, especially that daisy!
But then the stump work! WHOA!
I have a book of stump work but it is mainly silk ribbon stump work and I use it as Eye Candy! I haven't ever seen it in just embroidery. It's on my list to learn!!! Yes, Debra, maybe next year.
Beautiful work Cy and we are glad you are back.

jenclair said...

There are so many lovely details--I don't know where to begin! I love that wheel with the chain stitches, variegated thread, and bead; it's a real wow factor. And I love the way you textured the fabric with your chain stitches on the flower in the photo above. I'm a fan of Kiwi and the beads are perfect.

Debra Dixon said...

OK, Nancy, I'm holding you to it!

Judy S. said...

You may have been missing, but boy, have you been busy creating beautiful stitching! I love your daisy stitch flowers, the kiwi...everything. And that Grandma's garden is AMAZING! Welcome back!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Wow! That's one wonderfully colorful cushion!
I can't say enough good things about your cq. Your stitching is superb, I especially love the fan shaped flower and the wheels.
Stumpwork is something I've always wanted to try, we'll see one day.

Barbara C said...

Your February block is just beautiful. Your duplicate stitch flower is lovely.

Cyra said...

Thank you Debra, it's great to get my own computer back at last. I must admit I was rather pleased with the lazy daisy stitch on that lotus flower fabric. And that thread is my all time favourite colour too, periwinkle. Don't you just love that name lol.

Cyra said...

Thank you Connie, no creeping in the back door for me haha.

Cyra said...

Many thanks Carol. The members of the quilt group had about 12 different block designs to choose from. I'm well known for choosing the most difficult patterns etc. but this time I went for the block with least on, kiwifruit, just to fool them.
Yes, plenty of texture on that cushion, so that my mum can feel the flowers etc.

Cyra said...

Thanks Suz, good to get somewhat back to normal (although my family would say I could never be normal).

Cyra said...

Thanks Susan, I love kaleidoscopes (still a big kid at heart). I took a bit of time to 'fussy-cut' the hexagons for the first round. After stitching them together I had to unpick one because I had it on the wrong way round. Probably half asleep while doing that one.

Cyra said...

Thank you Nancy, my mum taught me embroidery and crochet, so this cushion is hopefully a bit of payback for her (and I taught her patchwork and quilting).
More whipped wheels to come yet as I love the texture that I can get on that cushion with them.

Cyra said...

Many thanks JenClair. It's amazing how one stitch just leads to another, lol. There are so few hours in the day though. I really wanted to embroider a motif in the white fabric shape at the top, but I ran out of time. Ah well, it'll be something to do at a later date.

Cyra said...

It's great to be back in the thick of it again Judy. I'm still losing 4 hours a day in travel time that I'd much rather have as stitching time, but hey, it won't be for ever.

Cyra said...

Thanks Angela, the more colourful the better. It's a bit 'chunky' and some might say 'garish' but that is so mum can see it with her very poor eyesight.
There are way too many different styles of embroidery or stitching, it's hard for a girl to learn them all, but no one can stop us from trying aye?

Cyra said...

Thank you Barbara ;)

Debra Dixon said...

When I met my husband I had just painted my dining room walls periwinkle blue. He said, "I want you to come make my house blue too!" OK, no problem. Still working on getting that request right!! Can't have enough blue, in my opinion.

Debra Dixon said...


Debra Dixon said...

Could you imagine a whole quilt with fussy cut hexagons? Nah, maybe in another life!