December 2, 2019

Moira - Buried under projects and commissions

Lots of things have been being finished up lately.....  the 12 memory bears have been finished up and mailed off as of this past Friday morning.   Hopefully to be delivered by the end of this week.  Three of the final bears made last week are below.

Bear 9 has a spiffy tie.

Bear #11

 Bear #12

 Progress was made on the commissioned quilt.   All letters sewn down.   And although not shown here, the center third of the quilt has been assembled and is ready for quilting.
 These wool ornaments were made when I needed a quick project to do.  I drew them up from my art work or free clip art.
 Pincushion made from a divided glass dish.   Used one of my batik scraps for the cushion.  This will be listed for sale on the blog page I'm putting together or on Etsy if I can get that to work.  Cushion was sewn on my machine and then glued into the dish.

Pincushion made from a candle holder. Stuffed cube of fabric was glued into the holder.

 This bear was sewn up for a commission and was delivered yesterday at church.

Now onto the rest of the commissioned / ordered items.   At present that includes the following: 2 tote bags (already paid for), putting together one Christmas stocking (supposed to be getting this tomorrow), making 2 of 3 teddy bears to complete an order received over Instagram, completing a set of 4 custom postcards, and finishing off the basketball quilt.  Of all that the postcards, stocking and the teddy bears have to be done this week.  And everything else by the middle of the month....Yikes!


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Super busy time ahead, great projects!

Moira said...

For sure....the next two weeks will be crazy.......