April 16, 2019

Moira: Scattered directions

With the big commission all finished up I took a week to work on stuff for me and for a commission that isn't due until July (I know early on one for a change).

This quilt was finished (quilting and binding).  It will be a donation and finished at 39" square.

I finished off these Christmas ornaments.  Bottom three had been stitched together but not stuffed, top three needed everything.  Not sure what I'll do with them.

And I finished this little piece.   Probably will end up as a mug rug or postcard.

And using up some bonus HST's that have been sitting around for over a year, along iwth scraps from my stash, I made these "blanks" for Christmas stockings.  Two of them will end up being used for a commission that needs to be finished up this summer.  The remaining ones will be finished and sold.


Judy S. said...

You sure are productive! Those are going to be pretty Christmas stockings, just the thing for someone who loves blue! You also cross stitch!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Lots of neat projects and I know how good it feels to get things completed or to give it a purpose. You might need some snowflake buttons on those blue stockings!

Moira said...

Thanks Judy and Angela! The blues were what was requested for teh commissioned stockings, I just pulled too many scraps and kept sewing till they were all used up...lol.

I'll be putting names on two of the stockings Angela (still thinking about how to do that!), and I agree, I need to add something to the other three. Snowflake buttons are a possibility because I know I've got some in the stash. Or maybe an appliqued one or two on each.