October 16, 2018

Moira: This and That

Started a new scrappy quilt over the weekend using red & blue squares that I had trimmed down from scraps at least 4 moves ago........(dont'cha like my time measurement there?), and string COC squares that I'd made even longer ago.

I've added one more row on the right side since this pic.   And have two rows to add to the other three sides still.

And I braved the horrendous rain that was going thru my area on Saturday morning to head out to the anniversary sale for my 'local' quilt store (local being only an hour away from me).   Every year they giveaway of something with the quantity being equal to the number of years the store has been open.   This year it was for 22 quilts.

I was fortunate to win two quilts.   The first one being this Christmas quilt.    It is a lap quilt size.   And even more fun, it has miniature lights as part of it.   It'll be a fun one to display at Christmas since I don't have a tree anymore.
And the second one that I selected was this wallhanging.   I need to do a wee bit of stitching on it because the "in progress" words are only ironed on and they aren't holding well.  But that is a minor thing.   Need to find a place to hang it as well.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Love your red, white & blue quilt, so simple but so pretty.
Congrats on your wins! The tree quilt will be perfect for Christmas! I have a large cross stitch of the 3 wise men I leave up all year but it's really nice at Christmas since my little room has no room for a tree either.

Moira said...


I've got cross-stitch stockings of the wisemen and one of the shepherds that I'll hang at Christmas. I've yet to find one that I liked of the nativity (want realistic, not cartoonish).