June 13, 2017

Judy ~ First of 3 Prayer Shawls

An Unplanned Finish ~

Sorry to be so far behind on posting and commenting, but it's been a bit crazy here.  First of all, the sun has been shining more than usual, so the garden has been screaming for attention.  It did reward us though.  Our clematis is beautiful this year.

Whenever the sun comes out, we get the travel bug, and we've had a couple of fun trips lately that I need to share, but all of my good intentions have been derailed upon learning that three friends have recently been diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Thus, I've dropped everything to knit some prayer shawls.  One is done, and the second has been cast on.

I hope it will bring a measure of comfort.  How I wish someone would find a cure for this dreadful disease.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Lovely flowers and a gorgeous shawl. I'm sure the shawls will be treasured.

Moira said...

Love the shawl. I'm sure that it and the other two you have planned will be a comfort and blessing to your friends. Beautiful flowers.

Anonymous said...

The shawl looks like a great open weave. Cool or warm, as needed.

Mama Spark said...

HI Susan,

Since I could not find an email address for you I thought I would reply directly. I usually close the linky after opening in up for 24 hours. I will make a point of not closing it in the future before 10am EST. I am going to post that so everyone knows the time the link will always close in the future. thank s for bringing that to my attention!
Your shall is just gorgeous!
~Mama Spark