May 9, 2017

Judy ~ A Post Finally and Some Finished UFOs

Lately I've been terribly remiss about posting here.  It seems that every Tuesday evening when it's time for bed I remember that it was Tuesday post day.   I've been working on some ancient UFOs, trying to whittle down their number. (I am way better at starting than finishing.) I was inspired by Judy L. of Patchwork Times suggestion to make a list of 12 unfinished quilt projects, and then she draws the project number to complete each month, only I'm using it on my knit projects, not that I don't have any quilt UFOs. (or cross stitch....)

April's finish is Color Affection which I started in 2012.

February's project Twin Rib Scarf was finally complete on May 1.  If you enlarge the photo, you can see how the sequins sparkle in multiple colors.

I already shared these two projects which were completed in January.  All that was left on the sweater was sewing the seams, something I can procrastinate forever!

These socks were the March project, and I've already shown them also.

I almost forgot this month's finish which is a UFO that wasn't on the list, Dublin Bay Socks, a fun and free pattern.

Have a great week!


Cyra said...

What a lot of finishes for the year so far. Great job.
Love the scarf with 'bling', lol.

Moira said...

I'm impressed by all of the finishes! The shawl is fascinating. =)

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I love the motion in your shawl, very unique!
And who doesn't love sparkles? You do such nice work, I always enjoy seeing it.