May 1, 2012

Suz-WIP- Chikan Catch-Up

Just posting  pics of my Chikan Embroidery with lesson 7 completed. There's 1 more lesson already posted, and I'm still behind. I plan to stitch on this tonight, and maybe even my April CQJP.

This is a view of the front of my Chikan. The variegated 'pink grapefruit' floss creates a nice, subtle, but different look to the pattern.
This is the same Chikan, but with the work sitting in the window and the light showing through from behind.

I am considering framing the embroidery to sit in a north window, allowing the light to show the stitching to its advantage, but hopefully, without chancing fading.

On to lesson #8!
I shall miss not receiving new lessons every week. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the beauty of Chikan Embroidery. Thanks to Anita for sharing her skills and knowledge with us!

My company has gone on to her next stop, and I hope to soon catch up on all the postings I've missed.
Happy Stitching!
Hugs from Suz


Carol-Ann said...

The pink grapefruit colour is so very pretty and the Chikan embroideries so very beautiful. Always sad when things we have enjoyed come to an end, but look what wonderful examples you have of your experience.

Suztats said...

Carol, this has been a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed the embroidery. I've saved all my class info re the techniques, and I bought a book of Chikan patterns, so I hope to do more in future. Have a great evening.

Debra Dixon said...

Is that pretty or what?

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Beautiful Suz. I'm sad to see the SAL end too, but I'm looking forward to the Shisha embroidery she mentioned teaching us later this year ;-} I've kept all my Chikan info as well. I'm not quite sure how I will use it. I love your color combo and the subtle variegated floss.

Carol-Ann said...

Did you mention Shisha embroidery? How, when, where, please tell? Is it possible to join please?

jenclair said...

I love it...especially with the light from the window!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Anita showed a couple of examples on her blog and mentioned it was for a class "later this year". We will have to keep a vigilant watch for the details on her blog. Here is the link...

Carol-Ann said...

I think I will soon be suffering some sort of behavorial problem as I am looking at Shisha embroidery on my pc and a website suggested by Debra for machine embroidery on my iPad. Obsessive, some might say!

Cyra said...

Beautiful work Suz.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Just gorgeous!

Suztats said...

Thanks, Connie. I'll sure look forward to the Shisha class! Keeping all my info means I can use the patterns in my Chikan book, and know which stitch to use for each part, so I may be doing some more Chikan on my own.

Suztats said...

Thanks everyone. One more lesson to finish.

Barbara C said...

Such beautiful delicate stitching! Lovely!

Suztats said...

I am amazed at how well the light from the window shows the shadow work designs! It looks like a whole different project that way. It must be gorgeous on thin, gauzy material.

Suztats said...

This piece really made me pay close attention to the regularity of my stitches! Let's just say there were adjustments......not saying just how many...:-0 lol

Anonymous said...

How beautiful that is, and I love the thread color. What kind is it, and where did you get it?

Suztats said...

It's a hand-dyed embroidery floss by Jessica Burr in the colour 'pink grapefruit'. I picked up a whole pile of her floss at a sewing shop that was selling off the flosses. I've googled the e-addy on the floss, but it draws a blank, so I'm sorry but you may not be able to find any more.......I'm on my last skein or else I'd share ........

Anonymous said... They are out of business, but I did find this British shop that has some colors - sadly not that one!

Judy S. said...

Sure can see why you went after that floss! It's lovely. And so is your stitching. What an interesting and beautiful technique! Nice work!

Unknown said...
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