May 1, 2012

Carol - Crossed Buttonhole Stitch

First we had a silly week and now it seems a touchy feely one!  Shall we all join in and have a Group hug?

We could apply for Group Membership of  S.A.B.L.E.


Debra Dixon said...

Right, and don't be asking me to lead that group too. Not like I couldn't, mind you.

Carol-Ann said...

Felt sure some of us would already be members!

Judy S. said...

Yep, me, too, in several categories. There's enough stuff around here to open a shop! Er...maybe we all could contribute? LOL

Debra Dixon said...

I don't recall seeing your name on the stash box list, Judy!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I'm not sure I know any crafters and/or artists that wouldn't qualify for that certificate...maybe some more than others ~ lol.

Debra Dixon said...

I'm working feverishly to narrow the scope of mine considerably!

Cyra said...

Where do I sign up?
It sure would be nice to have that certificate to show hubby that my stash has official status.

Carol-Ann said...

I know, didn't I choose Africa just for you????

Carol-Ann said...

Cy, you've got it in one, that must be the answer - let's all make it "official".

jenclair said...

:) All I need is the card!

Debra Dixon said...

Yes, and I lived vicariously through you & Sarah & feel so satisfied that I may never long to use those supplies (I saved aside for myself).

Judy S. said...

It wasn't. 'twas tempting though......

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Oh, Lord I need one of those! It would go far in making me feel so much better about my stashes. I am weeding through some things though. I'm selling off all my history books, over 100 of them, and more besides.

Suztats said...

I'm not sure I qualify, YET! lol! But I'm working towards it.........just checking out Evening Star Designs this morning to place an order.........hmmm, maybe I should get my own S.A.B.L.E. card, too.....teeheeheee

Debra Dixon said...

We definitely want you to be a card-carrying member so buy up!

Suztats said...

You're an enabler!
S.A.B.L.E. enablers are the Best!

Debra Dixon said...


CarolynnS said...

When I started quilting (only about 8 years ago) I vowed that I would never be one of those acquisitive women who "build a stash." Not me! I was only going to buy what I needed for each project!
Now, 8 years on, I just hope my husband never goes in my sewing room and adds up the stuff I've got in there!! However, in my defense, I've discovered that building a stash, especially of embellishments, really helps when I'm working on a project. So, really, a stash is necessary! Right? Like my husband's garage full of "rescued" golf balls!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Yes, a stash is necessary! No question. Seriously though, I think going through a stash of "stuff" makes a person more creative and can lead to some fun discoveries. You wouldn't believe the stash we kept in our design department where I worked. I get discouraged if I have to run all over to find something I need for a project or order online and then wait. I'm too impulsive. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Suztats said...

It's like all my DH's tools, and all the different attachments that go with them.....gotta have all the options available for making adjustments......
So I figure I need beads in every colour, and thread, and laces, and more thread, and materials, and doo-dads, and whats-its and odds and sods in my stash.....
It's especially necessary when you live out in the bush and the nearest craft or sewing shop is almost 2 hours away..........

Debra Dixon said...

I totally agree, Connie. There is no way I could do what I do on a daily basis if I had to go out looking for supplies. Now I do have times when I do go out looking for supplies at favorite places but not when I am in the pursuit of a project. I buy things that I generally know will work for my creative vision. They may have to wait awhile to get used but they almost always have their 15 minutes of fame.

Debra Dixon said...

I understand that dilemma perfectly.