April 30, 2012

TAST: Week 18-Crossed Buttonhole Stitch

The TAST Stitch for the Week of April 30 is the Crossed Buttonhole Stitch.
For more information and examples, check here on Sharon B's blog.

crossed buttonhole stitch sample

sample of stitch

Examples Courtesy of Pin Tangle


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Hmm, looks interesting. Tree huh? Hmm.

Debra Dixon said...

I haven't tried the blanket stitch like this before but I plan to get to it early in the week.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I tried it quickly and feel like a right-handed person trying to sew left-handed.

Cyra said...

What on earth am I meant to do with that?
Experiment I suppose haha.
Oooh, I just had an idea about changing it around a bit, lol. Right then, off to find some thread.

Debra Dixon said...

I'm not feeling the love for any handwork tonight. I feel like I wasted the whole day making covered buttons.

Debra Dixon said...

That's right, Cy, leave us all in the dust!

Cyra said...

I was feeling a bit 'blah' when this stitch was announced, but when I came here to complain about it, suddenly inspiration hit me.
Just being in the presence of like minded people is inspiration enough. I love you gals. Thank you for being there.

Cyra said...

But you got a load of special covered buttons though didn't you?

Debra Dixon said...

All together now, "We love you too, Cy!"

(and I admit--love this group too!)

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I'm trying to visualize what you two will be like after a year together :-D

Luv ya!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

BTW Cy, after your comment we do expect something outstanding to show how we inspired you...

Debra Dixon said...

Shoot, Connie, the bar is so high now, I can walk under it!

Debra Dixon said...


Covered Buttons

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I know what you mean Debra. I'm feeling the same thing. I'm just putting pressure on Cy to top herself...which she will probably do anyway.

Cyra said...

There see....... just as I thought....... a load of special buttons for your cq.

Cyra said...

I think I may have dug myself into a hole at the end of a no exit alley.


Debra Dixon said...

We'll give you a free "get out jail" card!