April 10, 2012

Update from Carolynn

I've been traveling, away from wifi, not keeping up with TAST but still stitching.

I've worked on two more blocks for my "Family" project.  Eventually, the four blocks will be connected with a dark sashing.  I'm hoping to finish by June 13, so if I can get most of the embellishing done before I leave Arizona at the end of the month, I'll be in good shape.

I used the barred chain stitch on the oval surrounding my mom's picture. . . then didn't like it. So I tried adding to it with detached chains and straight stitches.  I'm still not too happy with it.  My plan is to have a 7mm silk ribbon bow with long trailers couched down at the opening in the oval and then trailing down to the lower patches.

I've used another motif inspired by Brian Haggard' book Crazy Quilted Memories.  (C&T Publishing). When I've joined all the blocks, I'll add three mother-of-pearl heart-shaped buttons in that motif. Next to the watch will be five or six tiny bone buttons. Don't know what will go in those upper patches yet!

This is the third block for the "Family" project. Again, motifs inspired by Haggard to which I'll add beads or buttons  later.

I'm having some minor foot surgery tomorrow, so depending on how it goes, I'll either be stitching a lot as I recuperate, or missing in action as I sleep off the pain medication!

No attempts at satin stitch this week, but I really like the examples posted by the others!


Debra Dixon said...

What you've stitched is very lovely!

Suztats said...

Very nice, Carolynn! I love those stitched motifs! Hope all goes well with your foot surgery.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

It all looks so vintage and lacy, thanks for sharing. Prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow and beyond.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

It all looks wonderful Carolynn. I really love the feather in the last one above the 'memories' verbage. You are really making progress. Looking forward to seeing this put together. Best wishes and prayers that the foot surgery goes well. Be sure to let us know how you are doing.

Judy S. said...

Fabulous stitching, Carolynn. I really like the watch, but the others are very pretty also. Best wishes with your surgery; you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow.

Carol-Ann said...

Blocks look so very attractive - wishing you well with your surgery and recuperation.

jenclair said...

Lovely! Both blocks are beautiful and the monochromatic color scheme is like a sepia print!

Cyra said...

Love these blocks so much. That flora/fauna design in the bottom of the first pic is absolutely gorgeous, and your barred chain with the detached chains added is a wonderful combination.
Hope all goes well for your surgery, and I hope you manage to get plenty of TLC while you recover.
I'll tell everyone here to "BE QUIET while Carolynn sleeps".