April 19, 2012

TAST: Week 16--Apr 16- French Knot

The TAST Stitch for the Week of April 16 is the French Knot.
For more information and examples, check here on Sharon B's blog.

French Knot sample

Photo Courtesy of Pin Tangle


Debra Dixon said...

Don't see why we can't have a full crowd this week for the Reveal--it's everyone's favorite knot, the French Knot!

Deborah M. said...

I do like the French knot. Really.

Cyra said...

Aha!!! a eureka moment!!!
Isn't that a lovely piece in the pic above. It has just given me the idea to do my "Teardrop" themed BJP as French Knots and beads. I can "kill-two-birds-with-one-stone" then.
Thanks for the 'bump' Debra, you made me look at it again.

Deborah M. said...

I'm taking my stitching with me on vacation.

Carli The Quilter said...

Wow, that is awesome and so inspiring!