April 21, 2012


I've been in a silly mood lately, and had a punny idea for TAST for this week. And it was looking really good, until I made an error in stitching the pattern. I didn't notice until I was finished.......and then I made it worse trying to fix it.......sigh.
And, groan, it probably wasn't worth all the time I put into it.........
Nevertheless, here it is in all it's mess:

Yes, that blob of  french knots was supposed to look like an actual knot.....

I'll have to pay more attention to stitching next time instead of watching Ringer, won't I?  That'll teach me!

I wonder what next week's stitch will be?

I've been waffling on my CQJP and not getting much done on my Chikan Embroidery as I've begun a new class on StitchMap, and I'm finding it quite a juggling task with spring gardening, and the house up for sale, too. All this creating does not make for neat and tidy 24/7.

Hope you're having a good stitchy week.


Debra Dixon said...

On a more serious knote, that's a bunch of french knots!

(been there myself--I did all that for this . . .)

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I knew it was a knot! And look at all that practice you got in.

Judy S. said...

Looks like a Girl Scout knot to me! I know what you mean about the garden calling. The sun's out today, and it's even warm with no stitching/knitting happening in this house.

Carol-Ann said...

Very knotty and creative.

Suztats said...

Thanks Ladies! Even though it's knot a perfect knot, I'm knot too unhappy with it. And it's fun to be a bit knotty now and then.
(told you I'm in a silly mood)

jenclair said...

It's a clever idea and done with verve!

Suztats said...

Wow, that's a wonderful thing to say, Jenclair. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a knot to me! I like your idea. =)

Suztats said...

I haven't heard about the St. Joseph statue, but let me know if it works, okay?
I've been trying to get some gardening done, but today's high was 4C and that's too chilly for me, especially in the rain and snow we were having. ugh. c'mon warm and sunny spring!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I think it was a great idea. You have been in a silly mood. I recognized it as a knot right away too. I just didn't know it was French.

Peacock said...

I agree with the consensus: it looks very much like a knot! and also a little bit like a handshake, which is really neat because it makes me think of handshakes as tying a form of knot in a relationsip. :)
So this raggedy piece of string walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "I'm afraid we don't serve string here, you are string, aren't you?" and the raggedy piece of string sits down on a bar stool and says, "Nope, I'm a frayed knot."

Cyra said...

Haha Suz, took me a while but I got it in the end, when I got to Connie's prompt above.
Can't believe I wasn't paying attention in Tuesday Stitchers class today.
Your stitching is definitely Knot for the faint-hearted.
Will I be doing any more jokes - no I will Knot.

Cyra said...

A string goes into a bar and they won't serve it -- the usual story. So this upsets the string and it goes to a psychiatrist to be psychoanalyzed. Since there's a little naught lassooing in its background, it ties itself up, then tries to go into the same bar that rejected it before. The bartender says, "Aren't you a string?"
The string replies, "No, I'm a Freud knot."

Suztats said...

Mais oui, Connie!

Suztats said...

Love it! ROFLMAO!
It's knot fair you and Peacock have better jokes!

Carol-Ann said...

Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right.... And ROFLAMO - codes is it now?

Debra Dixon said...

Oh My! That's hilarious!

Suztats said...

Sorry Carol. ROFLMAO means rolling on the floor laughing my @ss off.

Carol-Ann said...

Me too!

Barbara C said...

I think it's charming, and it definitely looks like a knot.

Suztats said...

Thanks Barbara. i guess I had a particular knot shape in mind, and when I stitched it wrong, felt it wasn't the knot I'd intended, so it couldn't be one. If that makes sense.....