April 14, 2012


I started out with a thought in mind and stitched this for TAST:

I used stem stitch to outline all the boxes, and to fill in a few.
Then I added a branch with a few leaves to contrast with the rigid squares. (okay, almost squares -it's all free hand- no lines drawn in - so it's not perfect  lol)

the leaves are detached chain stitch, and I also used a line of french knots in the lower right.

Stem stitch is one I tend to use often.

Hope you've been having fun stitching.

That's it for this week..........what with Easter House guests, I've fallen behind. Next week I hope to have my CQJP update, as well as my Chikan Embroidery. Happy stitching.

Hugs from Suz


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Well, you got downright creative. You're making me look bad (giggle). I like what you have done!

Judy S. said...


Suztats said...

giggle......I had fun. Couldn't make you look bad if I tried!

Suztats said...

Yes, it was! Took quite a while, though......

Debra Dixon said...

At least you made an effort! and a good one too.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I like it! Very colorful and cheerful....I like colorful and cheerful.

Carol-Ann said...

It is said that change s as good as a rest. Your stitching reminds me of one of those glass mobiles which can be hung in a window to catch the light.

jenclair said...

Love the little boxes and the way you've used the stem stitch!

Barbara C said...

What a fun modern piece. The little vine is a nice contrast to the angles in the squares.

Peacock said...

The blocky background makes me think of Mondrian. :)
I like the way you used a stem stitch vine to contrast with the blocky angles. Now it makes me think of a Japanese garden trellis. :)

Suztats said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. It's nice to get feedback from you--lots of different ideas and suggestions. It's great!

Cyra said...

Aha... You went abstract for this one. I like abstract very much, and I love your piece.
Nice design quality happening here. Great work Suz.

Anonymous said...

I really like that! It didn't occur to me to do something so creative.

Suztats said...

Thank you, Cy! I'm beaming.

Suztats said...

Thanks CQ4Fun. I just kind of happened. I'm glad you like it.