April 15, 2012

Angela: TAST Stem Stitch

Here's the 15th page in my embroidered fabric journal I'm doing for TAST.  The fabric is an even weave in taupe and the thread is all cotton floss.
The event in history that happened on April 10 was in 1912 when the Titanic set sail from Southampton on her maiden voyage which sadly was also her last with great loss of life.  I chose this event because one of the movies that really sticks with me is the 1997 'Titanic' with Leonardo DiCaprio.  I went to see this very long movie with a friend and her son.  It was a hot summer day and the theater must have been running their a/c on high even though there were only a handful of us in the theater.  When it was over I felt like I'd been in that freezing ice floe laden water with the passengers.
I won't be going to see the 3D version as 3D gives me headaches.


Debra Dixon said...

I watched a very interesting history channel show with James Cameron the other night about the Titanic. With today's technology, they can almost figure out exactly what happened. Very fascinating.

Excellent portrayal in thread. I wonder how many of the ladies on board took stitching with them on the cruise?

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Ah, a bit of history I know. Great execution. Your stitching looks very neat and I like the subtle colors.

I have a letter from my grandmother's half sister in which she talks about having to cancel her trip on the Titanic because her son was too sick to travel. I have other letters referring to the great ship and how horrible that it sank.

Debra Dixon said...

How cool. That would make a wonderful CQ subject!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

A friend of mine who is a dancer and actress locally worked at the Natural History Museum when they had the exhibition of items from the Titanic. She and others portrayed real passengers in vignettes. She was a Scandinavian immigrant with small children who did not survive. She left the job before the run was over as she was pregnant at the time and the emotional upheaval of talking to visitors in character each day was too much. She also knitted during her time on the job.

jenclair said...

So timely! Books about the Titanic are all over the web now because of the approaching Centennial. I'd love to watch you do your research for all of your interesting projects!

Carol-Ann said...

Such a wonderful illustration of stem stitch especially at this time. Titanic captures our imagination.

Suztats said...

It's the hundredth anniversary of the Titanic's sinking. So many lives lost, and so many others affected.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

FYI, Suz asked me about the date. The ship did sink on the 15th, but she set sail on the 10th.

Judy S. said...

Angela, I'll bet you'd have been a great history teacher! You find such interesting tidbits and then bring them to life. Nice stitching, too.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Don't know about that, Suz just let me know I have the month wrong, I embroidered May instead of April. LOL Guess I'll have to fix that!

Barbara C said...

Great topic choice, and a lovely clean design. I saw the preview of the 3-D Titanic movie when I went to see Hugo in 3-D (which is a charming film). I found the Titanic 3-D preview to be too realistic for my taste: it seemed very intense and scary.

Peacock said...

I'm with you: 3-D gives me a raging headache most of the time. The techniques are getting better, but I still generally avoid all 3-D movies.
Titanic is a great subject for your sampler! Especially with the centenial coming up. Once again, you have rendered your subject beautifully with the stitch of the week. Great job!

Debra Dixon said...

Good thing you didn't stitch it in satin stitch!

Debra Dixon said...

that was probably the point . . . .

Cyra said...

Even without the text on your sampler I would have known it was the Titanic. Love your clear lines stitchery Angela. There is a lot about the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic on tv at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Great addition to your series, and perfect for this stitch. I don't care for 3D and don't see what the big deal about it is. =)