April 8, 2012

Susan: CQJP Update

Sometime this month I have to make more blocks. Hard to believe, but it's the fourth block here and I only made four! No satin stitch on this part.

This is the upper left corner. The spider web is back stitched for the straight parts and flystitch for the cross pieces, just didn't make any stem on it. There are blue beads in the openings in the lace. There will be other embellishments added at the end. I'm thinking of a little silk ribbon in the spider web, similar to Nancy's maybe.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I'm not a fan of spiders but the web is certainly gorgeous.

Carol-Ann said...

Very creepy crawly!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your colors look so soft and I love the lace. Nice stitching and the beads added to the lace looks nice.

Debra Dixon said...

Your lace looks perfect with the spider web!

I had to sit down this week and make this quarter's blocks too. But, that's a good thing-it means we are making serious progress.

Suztats said...

I like the soft feeling of this with the lace and the pastels. Spiders are good luck for stitchers, and I much prefer CQ'd spiders to the real thing! lol Nicely done.

Cyra said...

Nice touch of traditional spider web on your block Susan. Love those blue beads, and the lace. Your scallop shape chain stitch is a great addition too.
Overall - gorgeous.

Judy S. said...

Some spider is going to be mighty proud to inhabit your web, Susan. I can't wait to see what fairy lives on this block.

Anonymous said...

I love spiders! They eat other bugs, like mosquitoes, so they are always welcome around my place. =) I'm used to tiny little half-inch mosquitoes in the desert, and the ones around here can carry you away!

Anonymous said...

And I'm not telling! LOL I'm thinking after the Cinci show, I'll sit down and make more blocks.

jenclair said...

Love the motif around the web!