April 17, 2012

Susan: CQJP & TAST Update

Back from the Cincinnati show, meeting friends and having fun. Even though I'm not getting a LOT done on my block, I am making progress. Here is the part I did this last week:

You might notice that I was inspired by Nancy D's bluebonnets and Deborah's wheel. The other seam comes from Carole Samples' book, p. 112, down the center part of the page. Of course, there are beads needed.

The stem stitch and French knots are both well represented in the bluebonnets, which are sort of influenced by the shape of yucca plants. But not in color. The motif on the bird fabric has a tiny center wheel stitch, so I got that in there afterall, with a very thin thread.


Debra Dixon said...

I'd say you are well represented for last week and this week! Pretty stitching!

Carol-Ann said...

Love your pretty seam treatment and variegated wheel.

Suztats said...

Very pretty! I love the french knots (you're ahead of the game!) and the wheel. Nice stitching that doesn't overpower your silky.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Love the fairy and flowers on this block. Your stitching looks great. I agree with Suz that you appear to be ahead of the game.

Cyra said...

Love the colour of your wheel, and it looks like pistil stitch spokes there (I'm expecting next weeks TAST stitch to be pistil stitch, so you are ahead there too, lol).
Lots of beautiful blue French Knots.
Great work on the block Susan. Well done.
I expect you had a great time at the Cinci show. What was the highlight for you?

Deborah M. said...

Love it.

Anonymous said...

Other than meeting friends (always a highlight of anything!), I'd say the best thing about the show was finding so many wonderful wool dealers! There was even a booth from Ireland with Irish wools - and such cute accents. =)

The quilts were quite nice, but for quilts I'd rather see PIQF because they get some really stunning ones. These were nice, but mostly recycled from the Fall Houston show and Lone Star Quilts III, a Texas book.

Judy S. said...

Looks great, Susan, and you're way ahead of all of us with even having been gone. Love that little hydrangea-fairy! Can't wait to see all of your finished blocks at once.

jenclair said...

These are my favorite fairies so far. The bluebonnets, whipped wheel, and bottom seam treatment with the fly stitch...scrumptious!

Barbara C said...

The print fabrics you chose are just gorgeous together, and your stitching complements them perfectly.