April 15, 2012

Barbara's Stem Stitch and Whipped Wheel

The middle of the month was getting very close when I finally sat down to  work on my April block.

Once I began I got in the groove.

In the top left corner I feather stitched a vintage robin patch.  The seam treatment is herringbone stitch accented with lazy daisy and straight stitch.

I put on my big girl pants and tackled the whipped wheels, the TAST from a few weeks ago.  This composition also has the stem stitch for this week's TAST.

The leaves are woven picot stitch from Pat Trott's book Three Dimensional Embroidery Stitches, which has a lot of great floral designs I'll probably dip into again.  These cool little leaves are detached, which adds to the textual element.


Debra Dixon said...

I had a feeling the whipped wheels would be perfect for your block. Looks like I was right! teehee. Ya dun good!

Debra Dixon said...

WOW, those sunflowers on the cover of her book are pretty phenomenal.

Carol-Ann said...

Whipped wheels look great and so enhance your block and I love your robin patch.

Suztats said...

I have that book, and find it so inspirational for my embroidery. I love woven picot stitch. (they have that in tatting but it's called a cluny. I'm clueless about clunies, but I can weave a picot!) Your whipped wheel flowers look fab!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Wow! Love the whipped wheels with the flower button center and the leaves are FABOO as one of my friends says.

Judy S. said...

Your whipped wheels look terrific, Barbara. The buttons on them are a nice addition, too. What nifty 3-D leaves! And I love the stitching in the blue robin section also. Wonderful stitching!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Great stitching on this block Barbara.

Peacock said...

I just love the way you pieced your block with the framing of the hummingbird fabric! The whipped wheel flowers are great and echo the sunflower in the hummingbird print, giving a really nice sense of depth and layering. You're off to a great start with this block!

NancyD said...

What a great idea with the buttons and the whipped wheel around them. Hmmm I have those buttons I might have to give it a try.

CarolynnS said...

Hey! You should wear those "big girl pants" all the time! What a great result!

jenclair said...

The buttons on the whipped wheels are such a nice touch, and I love the leaves!

Cyra said...

Love your seam treatments Barbara. The whipped wheels are a great addition there, and nice touch adding the woven picots. Great progress on your block so far. I need to catch up big time on my CQJP. Hopefully getting my March block started this week, All I need is lots of 'uninterrupted' time please. I might have to write in big letters on the white board in the kitchen "Mum is stitching so leave her alone and get your own lunch" hahaha I wish.

Anonymous said...

When you got going, you really moved! I especially like that herringbone seam.