April 28, 2012

Susan: CQJP, no TAST

So I did a lot, but no wheatear yet, and the block isn't finished. Here are some seams from this week.

Yes. Yes, that is an owl. Why do you ask? =) Still some beading to do and one more seam. Still haven't made the new blocks for the other 5 months.

I accidentally erased my full block, so I'll do an April reveal in a couple of days when I have that last seam done.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Looking very lovely, I adore your owl! I have had owls near the house the last 2 weeks, it sounds like they are courting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, they are so cute when the babies are small in the nest! We watched a family of them one spring in Arizona in the RV park. When they learned to fly, one was huddled under our truck, behind the wheel for several hours one morning. So adorable! I hope you get to watch the whole process of nesting.

Judy S. said...

Nice stitching, Susan. I love what you did with the rickrack and the hearts. Glad to hear that IS an owl, lovely flowers also. Can it really be almost May?

Debra Dixon said...

I especially like that row of herringbone with the flowers growing out of it!

NancyD said...

I too like the herringbone with the flowers and the big flower above the fabric with the bird on it. And don't you just love purple (the ric rac) with green!!
You may not have done the TASK stitch but you accomplished a lot and it looks good.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

You have done some absolutely beautiful seams! I look forward to seeing it all together. You know, I thought that might be an owl ;-) That lace worked out great for the owl and I really like the star/flower shape design above it.

jenclair said...

As usual, beautiful stitching. I like the bird and the "owl" section and the fly stitch and French knots!

Carol-Ann said...

Love your bird on its branch and the owl is so cute. Purple and green - yummy pairing. Like the herringbone and flower seam treatment.

Barbara C said...

Really pretty work! That duplicate stitch on the damask roses looks like floating hearts.

Peacock said...

The owl is ADORABLE!!! I love your whipped wheel flower, your rick-rack treatment (I second the vote in favor of purple and green pairing! -- my wedding colors.) All of your stitching is so delicate and lovely!

Cyra said...

Lovely band of flowers. It makes a nice change to see the flowers facing each other on a seam instead of growing away from each other.
I like the branch you have put the pigeon on and matched it with another branch for your owl. Very creative of you, lol.

Suztats said...

Beautiful stitching, Susan. I really like the feel of this block, and your seam treatments are wonderful! Hoo wouldn't like that adorable owl?