April 7, 2012

Judy ~ Satin Stitch TAST

A long time ago I used to do a lot of crewel stitching and got a lot of practice with the Satin Stitch, so I skipped practicing on my sampler. Instead, I got busy and worked on this new block, knowing that this weekend will be very busy with choir. In case you feel like you've seen this dress before (last month), it happens that SBS has several dresses in this pattern, but her "mother" has used different colored "fabric" and trim. (Sue's also facing the other direction this time and has a bird for company.) I had fun with the band on her hat and the knots of the bows, but Satin Stitch sure uses up a lot of thread! Takes time also, especially with floss!

Have a lovely Easter weekend, Everyone!


Carol-Ann said...

Very pretty block and wonderful satin stitch on Sue's hat, she's a very lucky little girl to have such a caring mother.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Your little girl is looking very pretty in her Easter bonnet!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Judy, I love the way you did the band alternating two directions of satin stitch to give it a sort of woven look. The little "knots" on the bows worked out nicely too. I like seeing the brighter colors on SBS this round. I must agree satin stitch takes up both floss and time, but it is so worth it.

Anonymous said...

The band is great! I like how this one is looking already.

Debra Dixon said...

I can't believe you didn't satin stitch those fence boards. Such a slacker! *wink*

Barbara C said...

I used to use the same pattern to make dresses for my daughter when she was little, so I had to smile at your comment. It was a useful strategy because I got so I could practically sew those dresses with my eyes closed. The red hatband and bows on your Sue are really nice accents.

Cyra said...

SBS is looking great so far. Lovely effect on the band.

Suztats said...

I agree. I'm rather surprised you didn't satin stitch the bow on the hat, too, and her shoes, or the wee birdy.......lol....just kidding. SBS is looking cute in her ribbon and bows!

jenclair said...

What sweet bows on her dress!