April 7, 2012


I tried something a little different with TAST this week for the satin stitch: I used a pattern transfer to create this:

Making progress

The finished TAST. I used satin stitch on the flower, leaves, and the butterfly, and also used stem stitch, detached chain stitch, and french knots.

I enjoyed stitching this pattern.

Thinking it might be nice to post my blocks so far, I took this pic:
  I'm considering going back to add stitching to some of the bare areas on the earlier blocks

 The beautiful tat on the red velvet was created by my friend, Fox.  It almost disappears into the velvet, and I like that. Do you? Fox's tatting is very delicate looking, with tiny stitches, and I added a small red crystal to catch the eye.
It's a wonderful little heart motif, and repeats the hearts inside the green wreaths in the top fabric. And Christmas is all about love, isn't it?

Red rick-rack and a velvet ribbon are seam treatment starts. This block's main colour will be red, and I have heart beads and heart buttons to use!

French knots and a seam treatment over the red velvet ribbon...

'Fleur de lis ' detached chain stitches on the right and bullion stitches on the left......

chain stitch meandering on the red fabric......

I kept them all in red threads to add texture without making it seem too busy. There's more to add....

like flat red beads off the bullion stitch

I'm auditioning some flower trim, heat buttons, and tatted leaves.

Here's one red leaf tatted, but not yet stitched onto the block

I wanted to see how a white leaf would look. It sort of ties in with the white fabric above. What do you think?
Do I need to lighten it up with white leaves?

The red heart beads are being auditioned, too.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Hope everyone has a Blessed Easter.

I'll be indulging in chocolate. Will you?

I'm having company arriving shortly, and staying for the weekend, so I won't be around for a few days.......

Hugs from Suz


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Fox's tatted heart piece is a perfect piece for your block. When I first saw the red tatted leaves with the chain stitch I loved it and thought the white might be too stark. However, looking back at your other blocks I tend to change my mind as you have some very strong whites in those blocks and the white leaves might help tie this block in more with the others. But, then I thought, what if you used the white leaves to form a poinsettia attached to a darker area of the block and kept the red leaves on the red block. It is so hard when you can't move things around to see how you like them ~ sigh. I like the red heart buttons and the red velvet seam treatment. I also like the (sequin?) flower trim you have along the seam line between the white and black fabric. Your blocks are tying together nicely. Enjoy your company and have a blessed Easter. Thanks for the chocolate.

Carol-Ann said...

The heart Fox made sits well on the red velvet and white tatted leaves will bring your blocks together. Cadburys creme eggs are a firm favourite very naughty but very nice.

Good idea using pattern transfer for your satin stitch.

Judy S. said...

Nice work, Suz! I like the seam with the bullions and flat beads, especially. It's fun seeing all the blocks together, isn't it? I also like your pattern transfer piece; it would make a nice pillow if it's large enough. What kind of thread did you use on it? Enjoy those eggs!

Anonymous said...

I like the tatted piece by Fox. Your leaves are nicely done, too, but as for whether you need white or red, I am not sure. I lean toward white, to break up all that red, but I think it could go either way. I do like that sequin-looking flower trim, though. I think I do like the red on red.

Debra Dixon said...

You could do red and white leaves together. Nice work so far!

Barbara C said...

Your satin stitch piece is very nice. Don't you just love those embroidery transfers? Your blocks are really coming along. I can see you're gaining confidence in your stitching and you've added some nice details.

Cyra said...

What a busy girl you have been. Love your satin stitch work, a nice idea.
CQ blocks are looking fab. The white is definitely the favourite for me. It adds 'spark', and I like that contrast on your previous blocks.
The red ric-rac is perfect for the bottom of that red/white/green stripe fabric. Reminds me of an awning. Such fun.
I like what you have done with the red velvet ribbon seam.
I'm always amazed at how much time goes in to just deciding what goes where on these blocks.

Suztats said...

Thanks Connie, I'll have to tat some more leaves in both colours and move them about to see which I like best. I like your idea for the poinsettia, too. That flower trim sort of has a sequin look to it.....

Suztats said...

Thanks Judy. I used perle cotton thread in sizes 5 and 8 mostly, but some floss for the butterfly body and antennae. It's only about 5" or 6" size, and attached to my TAST fabric book, so no pillow, I'm afraid.....

Suztats said...

Thanks Barbara. I'm enjoying the transfers.

Suztats said...

Thanks Cy! It does seem to take a long time to figure out some blocks.

Suztats said...

Thanks everyone for listing your choice of leaf colour. I'm still waffling, but I shall tat more of each to get a full effect before I make a final choice.

Suztats said...

Hmmm, like a spray of leaves alternating the colours? That would certainly break up that solid red, and maybe not make it seem to busy.........guess I'll be tatting more leaves than I'd first planned..... :-O

Suztats said...

Fox tats beautifully, with such fine thread! I had a tatted red/white/green border I thought I might use on this block, too, but it was really chunky in comparison. So I tucked it away......

Suztats said...

Thanks Carol. I must admit I've been rather naughty with those creme eggs! lol

jenclair said...

The variegated thread and satin stitch flowers are lovely!

Suztats said...

Thanks Jenclair!