April 9, 2012

Deborah: TAST Week 13 - Whipped Wheel and Week 14 -Satin Stitch

Ladies, my photos are not the best because my vintage computer finally gave up and I'm using my daughter's older (but newer than my PC) laptop. I haven't done any editing of these photos and they were taken with my phone. I didn't have an opportunity to anything to them. She was too busy installing the updates to the laptop which hasn't been used in a year. It seemed like there were hundreds.

I didn't get a lot done this weekend - I pulled a muscle in my neck and it was very stiff from trying not to move the wrong way and make it worse. Much better today though.

I did warn you that satin stitch was not my best but here is my effort. Again, sorry the photo is not well focused. I will try again later today. It does look better than the photo.

Here is my whipped wheel which I don't believe  I posted, not a completed one on the cq block anyway.

I hope you all had a glorious weekend. The weather here was sublime. I was happy for folks who celebrate Easter - it was a perfect day. I wanted to lie outside in the sun and just soak it in, it was that gorgeous. 

Two weeks until our Savannah trip. I can't wait.


Suztats said...

Your satin stitch and whipped wheel look just fine to me! Hope your neck feels better soon!

Debra Dixon said...

I agree with Suz. Your motifs looks perfect on your blocks.

Judy S. said...

Feel better soon! I love the lily of the valley motif and the whipped wheel as well.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Ouch, I know that hurts. Your whipped wheel is fabulous and the satin stitching looks great too.

Anonymous said...

I like both of your motifs, and that wheel is the first one that I've thought I might be able to use on mine, because it has a light elegant look to it. Thanks for the idea, hope you don't mind if I steal it. We'll see what turns up. =)

Cyra said...

Your satin stitch worked out beautifully. And that is a really nice whipped wheel, yet another variation for me to try, lol.
Yes, the weather has been good to us here in NZ too. Such a beautiful extended weekend full of lazing in the shade of the orchard trees and catching up with the son who works/lives away but who came home for the long weekend.

CarolynnS said...

I really like that whipped wheel! Nice combination of stitches!

Deb said...

Thank you all; your comments are much appreciated. I saw the lily motif in a Judith Montana book but the whipped wheel is my own creation. Please feel free to snag it; I would be flattered. The neck is better but you know how these muscle things go. One wrong move and you're back where you started. My daughter says I need to do yoga.

jenclair said...

Love that whipped wheel, Deb! Your blocks are coming along so nicely and what a great quilt is in the offing!

Carol-Ann said...

A great example of whipped wheel and one certainly for "borrowing". Hope your neck continues to improve and you regain total movement.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks, Carol. The neck is better. The heating pad has been my best friend.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks, Jen. I'm really please with how it's coming along.