April 17, 2012

Deborah: CQ progress and TAST

Stem stitch with additions. This is from the Carol Samples book.

Seam treatment, blanket stitch with laisy daisy. Boy those guys are all over the place. ;-) Hopefully beads will disguise some of their craziness.

More seam treatments. Almost done with these and can hopefully get to the embellishments soon.

We're going on vacation next week. I'm taking my stitching with me!

For the past two weekends I've been working on a quilt for a dear friend and colleague. I finally finished on Sunday! I was so tired...I got to the very last corner of the very last border and realized I had misjudged and cut it about 3 inches too short. This is waht happens when you are tired. Oh well, easy to fix. Everybody is very happy and now it's in the mail to the machine quilter.

Now I've just got the wall hanging for the basset hound rescue banquet in May.


Anonymous said...

Interesting seam treatments, and beads will even things out. I like the variety, and your feather stitching is so neat.

Judy S. said...

Nice stitching, Deborah. I really like your feather stitch; mine never looks that good. Sounds like you've got lots of projects in the works!

Suztats said...

I like the wandering stem stitch and your other seam treatments. Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

Carol-Ann said...

Lovely stem stitch vine with pretty flower additions.

Cyra said...

Oh wow, you have been busy. Such a lot on the go.
Well done for getting your stem stitch done, I like the meandering design of it. And those blue flowers are just lovely.

jenclair said...

The big, loopy stem stitch with the blue flower treatment is my favorite. I like the way it pulls the fabrics together instead of just following the seam, and the the blue flowers on the print catch the eye.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Deborah, your seam treatments are all very nice. The colors you are using are so pleasing also. I'm anxious to see the block in its entirety.

Debra Dixon said...

I'm seeing a few french knots and straight stitches on those soft red flowers. That would take care of this week! :-0

Barbara C said...

Very harmonious additions to your block, the curved stem stitch is really nice.

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

It all looks beautiful!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

This is beautiful I think I shall go back to arts and crafts once I retire.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks, everyone. You are very kind. I was really worn out that week and I think it shows but the quilt is in the mail to the machine quilter and the basset hound is nearly done! Vacation time next week.