April 30, 2012

Carolynn--wheatear, motifs

A very short post--we leave to golf in a bit!
My internet will be turned off tonight; we leave for Seattle on Thursday morning, so I'll be cleaning and packing the next couple of days.  But I hope to get lots of stitching done in the car on the way home.
I did two lines of wheatear--I like this stitch!

Then I added a couple of motifs to my "Family" blocks--

And that's all I have to show! The work you all have displayed this week is beautiful!! I hope to look at it more closely when I get back to Seattle!! Until then--happy stitching!


Debra Dixon said...

Your motifs are certainly pretty! This is a very nice style with the seam treatments and motifs playing off the neutral background. I'm just wondering when the hot pink is going to show up. (*wink*)

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Very nice motifs and wheatear stitches.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Beautiful stitching. I'm really liking the variegated threads folks are using, need to do more with them myself.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful additions to your block. The wheatear looks so nice on that aida cloth. I like how you had them going in opposite directions.

Judy S. said...

I really like those stalks of wheat in addition to your wheatears. The other motifs are very pretty also. Safe travels home!

Cyra said...

Great motif additions to your block Carolynn, it's coming on a treat now.
Nice work on the wheatear too. I can see that double row getting used on a seam on your too, in neutral colours though of course, lol.

Suztats said...

The wheatear looks so wonderfully precise on the aida cloth. The motifs you've stitched are beautiful and add a soft quality to your block.

Barbara C said...

These additions harmonize so nicely with your block. The wheat motif is on of my favorites.

jenclair said...

I love your blocks! The motifs are so well chosen; such a sense of harmony in stitching and color.