April 15, 2012

Carol - Stem Stitch

Question - "Sharon, may we have stem stitch for week 15, please"
Answer   - "Of course Carol, anything to oblige"



Debra Dixon said...

Well, gee, if it is that easy to ask, I'll go right now and ask for the bullion stitch next!

Nice addition to your foliage by adding that stem stitch in with the leaves!

jenclair said...

Oh, I like that variegated ruffle!

Carol-Ann said...

I'm holding you responsible if that happens!

Debra Dixon said...

I just have a sneaky feeling it is in the very near future! Either that or cast-on stitch.

Suztats said...

Africa looks hot and lush with a hint of mystery.

Judy S. said...

What is the netting-like fabric? It adds a lot. Great job! I,too, like the variegated ruffle. Did you dye it? Nifty stitch around the Africa poster also! Anxious to see more.....

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I've never done either one. What about the running stitch or French knots?

Carol-Ann said...

Netting like fabric is dyed scrim, again! The ruffle like trim was purchased a long time ago and has only recently seen the light of day, I have it in a variety of colours and hope to use a little on each block.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I like that netting too. Is it cheesecloth? Nice stitching and ruffle too.

Debra Dixon said...

Didn't we already have the running stitch?

Barbara C said...

Very nice stitching accents on your leaves. It adds a lot of dimension.

Debra Dixon said...

That ruffle looks like a strip of torn fabric with a gathering stitch through the middle--would be easy to duplicate--just a thought.

Debra Dixon said...

You must be Sharon's pet because I see that she took your suggestion of the french knot too!

Cyra said...

Ooh Carol, you name dropper you.
Stem stitching on your pic is great. Love those added beads at the tips of the leaves. Gorgeous colours on the dyed scrim.

Carol-Ann said...

Debra's Ladies obviously have influence!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

You are right, we did do the running stitch. We haven't done the backstitch though.

Debra Dixon said...

Don't tell anyone but I'm ready to move forward to some more challenging stitches.

Debra Dixon said...


Anonymous said...

The stem stitching looks great mixed in with your leaves. The beads are a nice touch, like a dew drop. Having light ones and dark ones gives a sense of sunlight and shadow.