April 8, 2012

Carol - Satin Stitch

Feeling quite drained after Sarah's exhausting train journeys, but did manage a small example of satin stitch.  My idea was to stitch a leaf in padded satin stitch on a piece of fabric and then applique the same to my block, but it looked quite out of place.  Anyway here is my leaf.

My second attempt was to lay a piece of braid along a seam and couch in satin stitch, similar to Debra.  Not overly pleased with the result as the braid I used was very soft and my stitches are lost somewhat.  BTW Sarah is visiting Africa during April and my block colour is orange-yellow and blue.


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

This should be an interesting adventure. I've never been to Africa and look forward to the trip. I really like your variegated green leaf even if it didn't work for your block. The seam looks good in the photo.

Carol-Ann said...

Thanks Connie, it was something of a challenge keeping the slope on the leaf.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I rather like your satin stitching on the ribbon, looks like rivers. Very nice leaf too!

Debra Dixon said...

I say add a vein to the leaf and go with it! I really like the shaggy edge too.

I like the satin stitching too--reminds me of the animal skins.
Both experiments looks successful to me!

Suztats said...

I love your leaf! The colour's nice, the shape, wonderful satin stitch. I like the seams....remind me of leopard and giraffe markings.

Cyra said...

Lovely padded satin leaf Carol. Nice work on the block seam too.
I can see that the green leaf will not fit the colour theme for this block. Keep it safe until the right colour block comes along for it.
It is going to be a great trip to Africa I think.

Judy S. said...

Nice leaf! I, too, like your ribbons as well as Sarah's next destination. She's one adventuresome gal!

Anonymous said...

I can see the stitching quite nicely and like the subdued blue next to the yellow. I like the leaf, but think I can imagine how it might not fit. But maybe it will work into a different block! Or across a seam between a couple of blocks, a seque. =)

Deb said...

I love the leaf, love the variegated thread.

jenclair said...

Your leaf is just beautiful!