April 1, 2012

Carol - March reveal

Well, here's March finished!
I've had great fun as Sarah's journey continues through sunny meadows and over misty mountains, listening to the music of waterfalls, resting by the waters edge and generally enjoying unimaginable scenery and natural beauty

and I'm sure I heard her humming "Take me Home country road" by John Denver
 (the cowboy's for Debra!)


Debra Dixon said...

Carol, your block is unbelievably good! Lots of interesting textures and clues for moving around the block to enjoy it all. You've really set the bar high for the rest of the journey's blocks!!

And thanks, love me some cowboys!

Judy S. said...

Looks like you and Sarah are having a really fun time! I love the whole block and especially the mountains and other stitching on the purple triangle. Nice use of yarn also. Are you perhaps a knitter also?

Carol-Ann said...

Haven't knitted for years and years, not much fun when the fibres from the yarn make you sneeze! Tried putting yarn in the fridge, vaseline on my nose, but all failed and when I began getting headaches I gave up completely. Bet you're sorry you asked!

jenclair said...

Such a beautiful block with a wonderful theme. Love it!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Fabulous block! I think you should make a book with photos when you are done...show everyone the wonder!

Cyra said...

This is such a fun journey to be on. Travelling with Sarah is exciting to follow. Anticipation of the adventures yet to come, lol.
I hear "all aboard" being called. And we're off again. Whistle blowing, steam bellowing. I'm there enjoying it all.
Thanks Carol.

Suztats said...

I love your snow on the mountains in the purple piece! This block has lots to see, and wonderful texture everywhere. There's a lot of attention to detail, and I love your stitching. Wonderful block.

Carol-Ann said...

Thanks Suz it's been a joy to sew.

Peacock said...

I love the colors and the textures on this block, Carol! The button clusters are especially wonderful. :)

Anonymous said...

This block is beautiful, as they all have been, but this one is something special. I love the idea of your block theme.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your blocks are so unique and so interesting in addition to being so well done. I love the story and agree it would be fabulous in a book. Your series of blocks certainly is holding my interest. You have incorporated some great techniques to help tell your story and extend your theme.