April 1, 2012

Angela - TAST Catch-up Week

This is my journal page for TAST week 13.  This was proclaimed a catch-up week so no particular stitch was given.  My journal needed a page for the week however, so that the number of pages would even out.  So I used backstitch to create this page.

MC Escher is one of my favorite artists, his pieces are endlessly fascinating.  And yes I meant to say that.  On March 27, 1972 MC Escher died and we lost a great artist.  If you are unfamiliar with his work then I highly suggest you check it out.  You won't be disappointed but you may very well be muttering to yourself.....how did he do that? 

I was informed that we will have an extra week added to TAST so that we will indeed have 52 stitches.   Arggghh.  My little ocd issue has told myself  I will just have to create 'end papers' to my journal to make the pages even out.  Good thing I have lots of fabric and thread!


Suztats said...

Angela, what an eye and imagination he had to 'see' the world as he did. I just spent an enjoyable half hour looking at some of his work.
As perspective is my nemesis, I really appreciate his talent.
Your stitching is wonderful!

Debra Dixon said...

His work and yours is fascinating! Another great interpretation from your needle.

jenclair said...

I love Escher's work! I love how you've interpreted it in stitches!

Judy S. said...

My DH introduced me to Escher as he'd read the book Goedel, Escher and Bach. What a fun piece of stitching, Angela. I need to show him this!

Carol-Ann said...

Just read his potted biography and enjoyed looking at his work. Your stitching is superb.

Cyra said...

Wow, was it really 40 years ago that he died.

Peacock said...

Escher is one of my favorite authors too! I love the stitched interpretation you created. The line quality and thread proportion are lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love your tessalation!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Nicely done. Maybe one of the weeks soon will be the back stitch and you will have a week off. I really am enjoying your weekly lessons.