March 31, 2012

Susan: March Reveal CQJP block

And was it ever fun, right down to the last stitch! I love this block, even better than the first two, if that's possible. It's really hard to figure out which one is my favorite, actually. =)

There will be a little more embellishment when the blocks go together - definitely something on the circle of feather stitching and with the little green branch in the upper corner. I just need to know what's next to that before I decide. The gold weedy looking thing between the spine chain and the buttonhole is sort of a made up stitch. I was going to make a fly stitch, but I liked the way the first one looked, so I just did a back stitch and then alternated sides where I made a straight stitch. I like it quite a lot!


Debra Dixon said...

These seam treatments go perfectly with the mood of the image--very viney. You do such fine work, Susan!

jenclair said...

I love the little flower buttons!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. There seems to be a lot of orange in it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Those are sequins from Cartwright - very reasonable prices. And one order lasts forever! LOL

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Love it! Everything just draws your eye right to the fairy.

Barbara C said...

Lovely airy block. The stitching is so delicate.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Susan, this turned out to be a very nice block. Lots of nice stitching.

Carol-Ann said...

Love the block, stitching really capture the mood of your fairy. Great seam treatments. Sassa Lynne threads?

Debra Dixon said...

I'm good with the orange! It's an underappreciated color.

jenclair said...

Thanks for the link!

jenclair said...

Thanks for the link, Susan!

Judy S. said...

Such beautiful stitching and embellishments, Susan! And do I see your initial on this one?

Suztats said...

So much delicate movement in this block! I like that everything has a light and airy feeling to it, somewhat magical, and the repetitions of leafyness is so appealing.

Cyra said...

Your stitch combinations really enhance these seams Susan. Such delicate work. Very well done.

Peacock said...

I just love discovering (or inventing, even!) new stitches or stitch combos. I tried enlarging the picture to see the detail, but the resolution wasn't good enough for me to really see what you did with it. It is lovely, tho!
I love this whole block, and I really like the orange and sage-green color combo. :)