March 25, 2012

Susan: CQJP and TAST

I'm putting this up tonight because it's so hard for me to get to the computer on Sundays!

I did the stitch, and it won't be a favorite, but I like where it is here. You can see the stem stitch I did on the print under it, too. There's more to go there, French knots, but I didn't get to it.

This one was just fun, and I like it a lot. I don't think you can tell that's really sheer ribbon. I cut a piece in half down the middle and then stitched the sheerest part under on the sewing machine and laid it next to the seam. Then I started playing. I guess that counts as couching, too.

I also added beads to this one. I had exactly the number of those bronze colored barrels to put on the seam!

One more week to finish the rest!


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

The barred chain isn't my fav either, but I do think it makes a nice stitch when combined with other stitches or beads/sequins similar to what you did. Your stitching looks very nice. What kind of thread did you use?

jenclair said...

I like the way others have used the barred chain, but wasn't happy with my own treatment.

Yours looks great on the seam. I can see the glimmer of the sheer ribbon and think it is a great addition.

Debra Dixon said...

I think your stitch looks right at home on your block. I'm going to add it to my "go to" stitches because I think it has a nice unexpected twist that I enjoyed stitching.

Judy S. said...

Very pretty, Susan. I love the sheer ribbon and the way you embellished it!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I agree that the barred chain is not a favorite. I had so much trouble making the stitching look even that I just gave up let it do what it wanted.
I really like the additions of beads to your project, it's coming along so nicely!

Carol-Ann said...

Sheer ribbon treatment looks so attractive and also your barred chain.

Carol-Ann said...

May I ask, please, the stitch combination in your final photo?

Suztats said...

Doing the barred stitch in sheer ribbon is a fab idea, and seems to create a lighter look which is perfect for this delicate block. Lovely.

Cyra said...

Oh this is looking good so far. Love all your combination seams. Isn't it fun when we say "what if". It's how I like to work. No pre-conceived idea, just go-with-the-flow.
I'm looking forward to seeing next weekends reveal on this.

Barbara C said...

Your couched stitch band is very art deco looking. Very elegant.

Anonymous said...

My go-to thread is always a Sassa Lynne. From a group buy I did several years back, I have it in more than 100 variegated choices. Almost every thread on the block is Sassa Lynne perle 8, though there is one Vikki Clayton silk floss and a Watercolors perle 8. I think the light green in the last picture is another brand, purchased from Piecemakers in CA.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, looking at it to see what order I did. First I did the arrow stitch part with a slightly variegated Sassa Lynne. Then I used a slightly brighter green Sassa Lynne to make the straight stitches at the points of the arrows on both sides. Last, I centered a light green other brand straight stitch between the arrow arm and the darker green straight stitches. All perle 8 threads. Make sense? Beads last.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, looking at it to see what order I did. First I did the arrow stitch part with a slightly variegated Sassa Lynne. Then I used a slightly brighter green Sassa Lynne to make the straight stitches at the points of the arrows on both sides. Last, I centered a light green other brand straight stitch between the arrow arm and the darker green straight stitches. All perle 8 threads. Make sense? Beads last.