March 4, 2012

Deborah: TAST Week 9: Couching

Hey, I made the deadline this week.

I did some couching on my CQ Block 2:

I used regular embroidery floss to couch some No. 5 perle cotton which really did not show up as much as I thought it would. I plan to dress up a little more with beads...eventually. :-)
You can also see some of the details I've added on the photo tothe left. I love the way that turned out but it was time consuming. Check my blog for more pictures.

Here I've used the herringbone stitch in pink no. 5 perle over 1/8 ribbon

More herringbone using embroidery floss over 3/8" ribbon. This is a new AAQI quilt hopefully for March. Not my usual colors but I love them - a nice change from the CQ.

I did more work on the cq block this weekend. I am happy with the direction it's taking. 


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I'm not usually an 'orange' person, but I like your latest creation. The couching over the ribbon is very nice. Your block is coming along so nicely.

Debra Dixon said...

Looks like a respectable amount of stitching to me!

Barbara C said...

Very nice the way the orange stripes go in both directions.

Suztats said...

I like couching over ribbons, and yours looks great! I like the last pic where the stripes are horizontal and vertical, and then the couching brings in the diagonals. Lots of movement for the eye here.

Deborah M. said...

Yeah - I'm not much for orange either but these were so bright and cheerful I thought they'd make a good AAQI piece. I've got to work on the corners of the ribbons - it's difficult to get them to match up if that's the word. But maybe that's what buttons are for!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Very cheerful and some great stitching!

Judy S. said...

Love the couched ribbon with the detached chain flowers! On to your blog to see more.......

Anonymous said...

I like the two colors of green with the red next to it to shadow the curvy shape. Are the little pink flowers French knots from a fat thread? They are so cute!

jenclair said...

I need to try couching over ribbon--such a nice effect!

Deborah M. said...

Yes, three strands of embroidery floss. One in each space. The trim is kind of a faux crochet from the linens I used.