March 14, 2012

Deborah: TAST week 10 - Running stitch & CQJP progress

This was the one I wanted to run away from. LOL. But, here is what I eventually managed:

March CQJP block, in progress. I really love this treatment, although the picture doesn't to it justice. The flowers aren't as wonky as they look here.

Running stitch in the light colored block and the center of the leaf, not yet finished.

And here I used it to anchor the lace to the photo in last mont's cq block.

Running stitch here in the fan motif I'm working on.

I'm fairly pleased with the way the block is shaping up.Now I just have to find those photos 
of Aunt Mae.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Love the circles! Everything looks so pretty, the running stitched on the light fabric certainly catch my eye.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it's going to be another pretty block! I like the circles a lot.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Glad things are falling in place for you now. Your stitching looks nice. I'm looking forward to the reveal for this months block.

Carol-Ann said...

Lace edging with French knots and running stitch is so pretty, love your leaf and circles.

Debra Dixon said...

Looks like your Mojo is back! Like the circles done in chain stitch very much.

Suztats said...

Yes, it's looking like everything is coming together. I like the french knots on the lace, and the circles. A nice way to stitch your leaf, too.

Peacock said...

Photography never captures the full loveliness we see in person! The circle-y seam treatment is fabulous, and if the photo doesn't do it justice, then I can only imagine how much better it must be in person! great stitching

Deborah M. said...

Thanks; I'm really pleased with the way this looks.

Judy S. said...

Looks great to me! I especially like the way you embellished the lace with the french knots and beads.