March 1, 2012

Deborah: February CQ Block

February CQJP block - not finished but well on its way

More details at my my blog.


jenclair said...

Deborah, another beautiful block!

Deborah M. said...

Thanks, Jen. I have a lot more to do.

Suztats said...

I love the pic of the lady in the hat! Her pose, the style...gorgeous. What a lovely start!

Barbara C said...

Between the photos and the vintage linens, this piece has tremendous soul. Lovely work.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks everyone!

Deborah M. said...

Isn't that a great photo? She is my mother's sister, Polly. I'm guessing she was in her twenties when that was taken - she lived to be 94 years old.

Judy S. said...

Nice! I love the little heart. Great photos, too! You're going to have a nice piece of memorabilia when you're all finished.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks so much. It's a very personal piece. I think it will be a work in progress all year.

Deborah M. said...

Thanks Judy. It seems never ending. I keep looking at it and seeing more I want to do.

Peacock said...

Deborah, your stitching is so delicate and lovely! Just precious!!