March 4, 2012

Carol - couching - February cq block completed

Couching now finishes the block for February.  However, to obtain an advance on my Travel Journal I had to submit the first two chapters to my publisher who recommended a serious re-writing job!  So the story begins in January.
"My great grandmother was such an interesting world traveller.  She enjoyed nothing more than seeing the world from the deck of a ship where the wind blew through her hair and her scarf trailed behind her.  She told me of many adventures and when I was of a travelling age, I decided to see the world too.  This is my travel journal of those adventures"
This wording now appears on the facing page for January with "Great Grandmother's Voyage in 1901" over the image on the cq block.
Everything should now be as plain as mud and apologies if I'm boring you, but thought I should explain wording for February.

Bottom left shows couching over a piece of dyed scrim.  Throughout the block I have used perle thread 5, 8 and 12 and DMC for the detached chain stitching in the centre.
Facing page with added stitching - colonial knots and pistil stitch from Stitch 12.

Where will Sarah's travels take her during March?


Debra Dixon said...

Oh, this Sarah is such a lucky girl! Look at all the fun she is going to have this year!!

Wonderfully organic looking block--great details.

Are we having fun or what?

Barbara C said...

I love the way the middle reddish patch suggests a heart. Great story.

Suztats said...

What fun! I like the idea of a story following your blocks. ( or is it the blocks following the story?) Your stitching adds to the feeling with the meandering chain though creating paths for your heroine's journey.I look forward to lots more of Sarah's adventures!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Again, I love the colors. Those colonial knots are great. I have yet to try those. I also really like what appears to be a fishing net - perfect for a sea-faring ship. Can't wait to see where March takes us!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

This is such fun following the adventures.

Judy S. said...

How fun! How did you print on the ribbon? Very nice stitching and such a creative way to display them. Can't wait for the March installment!

NancyD said...

I love your blocks and the wonderful story they are telling. Your explanation of what the story is we are going to follow is going to be so fun. When you spoke about your publisher and re-writing is this project something for a book you are going to publish?

Looking more closely at your stitching I have a question. In the close up block picture with the post card in the lower left corner, what is the ribbon work in the upper right. It looks like silk ribbon bows that have been couched. Is that right, or what exactly did you do? I really like that look. If you wouldn't mind sharing that would be nice.

Debra Dixon said...

is this project something for a book you are going to publish?

Wouldn't that be a lucky break??!

Carol-Ann said...

Nancy, this was said with tongue in cheek! For reference to my publisher please read Debra!
As to the ribbon work. It is silk ribbon bows and little silk flowers and was purchased sometime ago. The ribbon flowers come in many shades and there is one all in creams, which would look lovely on your blocks.

Debra Dixon said...

I believe Sarah will be traveling the world in search of her beau so having a heart block is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Your JP is so much fun to follow. I can't imagine where she'll go or how she'll get there, but it's sure to be interesting! The stitching is delightful, and your silkies are perfect for the idea of the block. Almost makes me want to hop on board.

jenclair said...

Such an interesting theme! And so full of possibilities! A world of adventure ahead...

Peacock said...

I really like what you did with the tatting. And what a precious "happy sailing" charm!