March 4, 2012

Barbara's TAST Weeks 8 & 9 and February CQJP

The February CQJP block is done.  I added more fly stitches to mimic feathers on the blue jay, and along the base of the tree as leaves for some blue French knot flowers.

I used chain stitch to create a vine for the tree trunk, and gave it some red berries.

The March block has an image of flying geese at the center.   I couched a wooded bead with Coral Zig Zag stitch right above it.

With some tiny beads, this became a fancy beetle.

I've picked some morning glories and some doves for the patches opposite the beetle.  Onward, onward.


Debra Dixon said...

Your beetle transformation is very cool!

Pretty little vine too.

Suztats said...

That's a great idea using the bead to create a beetle! I like your plan for the march block, and look forward to seeing your doves.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Flying geese are a sign spring is on its way (assuming they are arriving and not leaving which means winter is coming), so appropriate for March! I've been seeing them here. Nice idea for a beetle. Your February block is a nice success.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Love the beetle, who would have thought of couching a big bead?

Judy S. said...

I'm glad that beetle is on your block and not in my yard! Very clever! Do you have a special method for tracing patterns onto your block? Love your Feb. block, too. Mr. Bluejay's feathers look great!

Barbara C said...

Thanks Judy, I trace my motifs on tear-away stabilizer. Since it is ironed on everything stays nice and stable during stitching.

Barbara C said...

We have two kinds of geese where I live, some are here year round, but the Aleutian geese just "flew off" yesterday. I'm fuzzy on the details, but I believe they winter here and go back north in March for the summer.

Anonymous said...

Love the beetle on March, and the vine on the tree for February is a favorite part of the block. It's very pretty finished. The embroidery designs you are planning look wonderful.

jenclair said...

Such wonderful details! Love the beetle!

Peacock said...

BEETLE!!! Great beetle!
The feathers on your jay look great! I love the way the extra stitches bring the jay into the foreground, in balance with the rest of the block.
Great idea to use iron-on, tear-away stabilizer for your doves and such! I will have to try that!