February 25, 2012


Hi everyone!
Here's my TAST for week 8. You can read more about it here.

My encrusted pebble is finished!
You can read more about it here

a different angle

Since we're showing our work spaces, I sometimes sit in the window seat to stitch
usually, though, I stitch in my comfy chair with my feet up on the stool

My 'studio' is in transition as I move all my supplies to the sunroom, and re-organize it all, so brace yourselves, as last week it looked like this:

  This table and space has to be multi-functional and  will be used for machine sewing, painting, and planning my projects.

I am organizing all my stash and supplies into decorative boxes so that they can be available, but look neat and organized for when the house is on the market.

Once I can make my way through to the chair and love-seat, I'll probably do more stitching there, especially in the warmer weather when all the windows are open and I can enjoy the summer breezes off the lake without the bugs.

Too, in the nice pre-and post-bug weather, I often sit out on the side deck to stitch, but all the furniture is packed away for the winter, and there's now 3 or more feet of snow out there.....so no pretty pics......

Just a note:
 I am having computer problems. My ISP is changing its Operating System, and when each customer is changed over, the bandwidth decreases, and this affects the responding and operating of my computer. So, I may disappear for a few weeks, or I may only have some capabilities. So, if I'm no longer posting, or leaving comments, it's because I have temporarily lost that function. So, it's not me.....it's the ISP!!
I'll miss you!


Peacock said...

Good luck with your computer transition! What a headache and frustration that would be!
Your stitching space is lovely! I adore your window seat. Ah, nice warm dry natural light!! Even cluttered your studio space is tidier than mine! Good luck with putting your house on the market!
Your encrusted pebble turned out delightful. I can tell that you had fun with it! Now I am thinking that I should make one! .. but not right now as I am already falling behind in all of my current commitments!
Nice variations on your chain stitch sampler.

Suztats said...

Thanks for the good wishes and nice comments, Peacock. I think you'd really enjoy stitching a pebble.

Judy S. said...

Oh my, I love your window seat. What a great place to stitch! Your encrusted pebble reminds me of a sand dollar buried under some shells. It's great! How'd you do the dark green chain; is it couched with the pink? I read about using 2 colors of thread on one needle to do this stitch. That looks like what you did with the read and pink? Was it hard to alternate them? The explanation sounded complicated!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I totally agree with Judy on the pebble, looks like shells to me too. And I'm jealous of your window seat.

Suztats said...

Hi Judy. The dark green chain that's couched with the pink is done in two steps: first the chain stitch, and then I wrapped the stitch with the pink.The magic chain is really quite easy. When you do the second part of the chain stitch and put the needle over the thread before drawing it closed, you just put the needle over the colour of thread you wish to have showing: the other colour is pulled back and disappears from view. It's a bit fiddly having to separate the two threads, but otherwise it's quite simple. Hope that's clear.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I miss you already Suz! Love, love, love the window seat and even the sound of "summer breezes off the lake" is so inviting. I also want to get my hands on that encrusted pebble. I am feeling pulled toward creating one too, seeing how nice yours looks. I like all the chain stitch variations you've done as well. Don't be gone long.

Suztats said...

Thanks, Judy and LadyHawthorne. I do enjoy the window seat, I must admit.

Suztats said...

You can't have that pebble. It's mine! All mine! muahaha...... giggle I'm sure you'll have lots of fun creating one once you have the time. Do be warned, though: you won't want to put it down once you start, and you can't make just one......
The comp is working well this afternoon....probably the ISP isn't making changes on the weekend. yay!

Carol-Ann said...

Your encrusted pebble is fantastic, we all want!!!

Carol-Ann said...

So carried away with your pebble forgot to mention how impressive all your chain stitch variations are!!

Suztats said...

Thank you Carol. You can't have my pebble--you have to make your own! They are so much fun to do that I'm making more.

jenclair said...

Love the pebble! I'm busy making more, too! They are so much fun--thanks for the inspiration, Suz.

Had to laugh when I saw your table!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, you won't disappear! I love your pebble piece even more this week. The window seat looks like a wonderful place to work. I like the thread colors you used and the stitch play with the chain.

Cyra said...

I love everything you've done this week Suz. Yes your pebble is very inspirational, I too will be attempting one at a later date when I have caught up with all the things that were meant to be completed for Feb.
You did a fabulous job with the chain stitches. Such variety and different effects from them.
You have some great places to sit and stitch. I like to have more than one spot to stitch too. A change of scene for different times of the day, or different projects.
Good luck with putting your home on the market. I might be 'playing that game' myself at the end of this year, and I'm not looking forward to it.

Suztats said...

I look forward to seeing more of your pebbles! Last night my embroidery hoop broke (wah!) so now I'm making a larger one than I'd thought.
You should have seen that table before I straightened it up! lol

Suztats said...

Thanks, I hope I don't either. The comp is just choking a bit today.

Suztats said...

Thanks Cy. Trying to sell one's house is never easy or fun-- but it is a lot of work. I'd much rather be stitching. ;-)

Barbara C said...

Your chain stitch has a nice paisley effect. Your pebble is gorgeous! The pops of gold are lovely.

Anonymous said...

Love the stitching - adore the workplaces. I have to laugh tho "brace yourself" - I expected SO much worse! It's not bad even messy! Grin! Now we'll have to see after pictures!

Debra Dixon said...

Great explorations this week! The pebble is my favorite and I hope you make much more.