February 25, 2012

Cy - CQJP WIP & Spider Wheel Tut

Shame on me - I've hardly done any work on my CQJP , and absolutely nothing on TAST this week. I can see Debra getting ready to thwack me with her long pointy stick. But in my defense, I have started stitching on the floral cushion for my mum and I have put a tutorial up on my blog for the Spider Wheel that a lot of you were asking about on my February CQJP block.

If you would like to visit my blog for the tutorial on this Spider Wheel variation:


CQJP - February WIP

I have added beads to two seams.

Oh boy! I've got a lot to catch up with next week.

Thats all for now folks.
Short and sweet.


Judy S. said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Don't know how/when I'll use this, but it's going to be nice to know how to do your spider wheel. Did you braid those purpley beads? How'd you do the green what looks like braid beneath the row of white beads? Was wishing I could see the whole block to see how these two seams fit in....

Carol-Ann said...

Don't know why, but unable to access your tutorial states "page cannot be found".

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Debra's out looking at quilts this weekend so you are safe for at least another day, lol. Love your spider wheel!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Thanks for the tut on the flower Cy. I'm going to check it out now. Debra won't hear it from me ~ lol. Mums the word.

jenclair said...

Oh, your work is so beautiful, Cy! Love that flower and will check out the tute!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that blue beading looks so gorgeous - lots of work and lots of beads! Thanks for the tutorial. =)

Cyra said...

No Judy, the purpley beads are not braided, they are just sewn in place 3 or 4 at a time and slightly slanting and overlapping each other.
The green under the white beads is a piece of crochet that I added last week (take a peek at my last post to see the crochet on the block before I added the beads).
I should have the whole block finished this week, so you will see it all next weekend hopefully.

Cyra said...

You need to click on the text "You can find it here" and that is a link to the tut page.

Cyra said...

Phew, thanks for that Angela. Hopefully Debra will be so happy after her quilt viewing weekend that she may not notice my slacking off, lol.

Cyra said...

Cheers Connie <3 you're a sweetheart.

Cyra said...

Thank you Jen Clair, nice comments are much appreciated, lol.

Cyra said...

You're welcome. <3 Hugs.

Suztats said...

I think I'll be using that stitch on my next pebble adventure! Thanks , Cy, for sharing your tute. The beads certainly add to your CQJP. Can't wait to see the finished block!

Barbara C said...

Gorgeous beading! I'm going to remember your tutorial for a future week.

Debra Dixon said...

No chance of that! I actually have been reading along on my IPhone. But, you redeemed yourself with the tutorial!

Peacock said...

Great job on the tute! and lovely stitching with your beads. They definitely add to your seam treatments in a very elegant way!