February 26, 2012

Susan: CQJP and TAST

My February block is not quite finished. There is one more major area to stitch, and a couple that I will do after blocks are together. I also still have the beading to go. 3 more days!

Here are some new parts this week. I already had an undulating chain stitch, so I experimented with another idea from Carole Samples' book, p. 129. Getting those circles round and the chains in the outer part even were a little too challenging!

I also added this seam, inspired by a seam in Carole's book, p. 132. This one is Fly Stitch with straight stitch and French knots.

The whole block together, and you can see the chain stitch wavy seam with buttonhole, and the detached chain stitches on the chevron seam.

I uploaded so you can click on my pictures and be able to enlarge them.


Judy S. said...

I've been waiting to see what you'd put in that upper right corner. Nice choice! It was fun to enlarge your whole block photo and look at your pretty stitching up close. What size is your block? Is it rectangular? Can't wait to see your next fairy!

Cyra said...

I so do love the colours on this block Susan. That lilac/purple fabric is my favourite.
Your chain circle is very neatly stitched, well done, and your new fly stitch seam is lovely.
This is turning out to be a very interesting block. I look forward to seeing it complete in a few more days.

Debra Dixon said...

Overall, such a pretty presentation! The little flystitch treatment is so delicate yet whimsical--love it!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

So much eye candy here. I love the colors and there are so many pretty detailed stitching. This is going to be an absolutely fabulous wallhanging.

Susan said...

It's 9" finished, square. There's going to be a spider web on that peachy color, and another seam on half the seam line. That's the rest of the stitching.

jenclair said...

Gorgeous colors and fabrics! A real fairy tale!

Suztats said...

Pretty colours chosen that really bring out the shades in the fairy silkie. Lovely stitches enhances your whole block. I really like the wheel.

Barbara C said...

Those circular motifs are so pretty. They're real eye-catchers.

Peacock said...

Circles are tricky-- it's so easy to tell when they're even just ever so slightly out of true. You did a great job with yours! Nicely stitched and lovely colors! The whole block is just precious.
Are you going to add anything over the little white lace motifs? I would be so tempted to add some little French knots or beads to accent them somehow.

Anonymous said...

Pinky-lavender lace motifs. =) Hand-dyed in grape drink mix, not Kool-aid brand. You'll have to wait and see. LOL I'm very much liking the finishing touches I'm doing, and it will be ready to show you tomorrow.