February 26, 2012

Carol - TAST Week 8 -Chain Stitch

I don't do primary colours!!  At least that was my story before becoming a member of Stitch 12 when Debra suggested we use the colour wheel with red as January.  How could I possibly do red, so to soften the blow I decided upon a triadic color scheme, February being orange-red with green and blue. I am using in my blocks mainly batiks and hand dyed fabrics (supplied by a member of my sewing group who says I am her best customer!).

I loved the centre fabric which contained all my February colours, but what to do with it.  I really love following the patterns of fabrics and as I couldn't think of anything else that is what I have done.

February for Stitch 12 included french knots and January was straight stitches so I combined the two, you will see I got a bit carried away.

Facing page.  My heroine (who as yet has no name) has a friend from across the pond and they are destined to meet!


Debra Dixon said...

I see our heroine has gotten more modern!

Love that big ole french knot seam treatment. What did you use to make the knots that big?

Judy S. said...

What a fun and creative way to tell a story! I like the way you did the detached chain stitches within each other...all those french knots, too. Nice stitching, that's for sure!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Great color scheme. I'm curious as to how you got those wonderful large French knots too? Love your fabrics!

Anonymous said...

I love your fabrics! I probably have some, that green sort of stripey one on the right looks awfully familiar. =) I love batiks! Your stitching is just wonderful, and the area where you claim to have gotten carried away is a terrific garden spot! I'm picking up your story mid-stream here, but definitely like your plan.

jenclair said...

This is great! Love the colors and there is interest everywhere you look!

Suztats said...

Wonderful bold batiks. They look great together, and I love the french knots.

Barbara C said...

Really charming work! Love your French knots.

NancyD said...

Your travel blocks are looking so good and so bright with the red and red orange. I love it!

Cyra said...

I love how you juxtaposed the thread and fabric colours. Ingenious and very effective.
My eyes are bouncing back and forth. Got to make sure I find all the stitching, lol.

Carol-Ann said...

I used perle 5 for the knots.

Debra Dixon said...

Where is this gal headed? Is she the new friend?
How about some nice lettering to clue us in?

Peacock said...

This is not a color combo I would generally embrace in my own work, but I really love how you have made it work! Red-orange is a color that I find very tricky (read: unappealing), and yet you have made it just sing! Really nice. I love the little French-knot garden! Can you really have too many French-knot flowers? I think they benefit from abundance! Great use of color shifting on the French-knot flowers, too. Gorgeous!