February 25, 2012

Judy~Almost Caught Up~Chain Stitch and Friends

Just now realized that this is the last Saturday in February and that SBS should be done. EEK!!She isn't.....maybe before next Thursday she will be? We were gone for 10 lovely days to Florida, but no stitching happened until we got back home. Fortunately, the stitches I missed weren't too difficult. In fact, I combined my practice of the detached chain and chain stitches to one session as you can see. (tried a zigzag chain and a broad chain as well) Then I did the chevron stitch and a variation called the raised chevron.

It was a bit of a challenge to use the chevron stitch on Sue's outfit. I read that chain stitch made a good outline and tried that and had fun experimenting with the detached chain as a filler.

Now I have to get crackin' and finish the rest of the block.....stay tuned.


Peacock said...

Yes, where DID February go?? I am so far behind!!! It is too early in the year to be falling behind!
SBS is lovely. I'm particularly delighted by her butterfly this time around! Nice use of the stitches. I really like the way the stitches at the back of her neck make her dress look smocked. :)

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I like the detached chain stitches on her hat and agree with Peacock on the smocking effect. Very nice!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I love her little hat and the smocked look. You do such nice stitching. Don't worry about being behind this early in the year, rather think of it as having more time left to catch up.

Carol-Ann said...

Sunbonnet Sue is a favorite, she's so cute, can't wait to see more of her.

jenclair said...

I've been having keeping up with things, too. So many things to do, there is never enough time, is there? Love the way this Sunbonnet Sue is progressing!

Anonymous said...

The smocking and the filler on the hat are great. I loved seeing what you're going to do across the bottom. Like a preview. =)

Cyra said...

Love the "fashion statement" of your SBS. She must be the SBS Diva, lol. This is becoming a beauty. I look forward to the next installment.

Barbara C said...

Your little Sue is coming along. The outline in chain stitch looks especially nice. I'm glad you were able to get away and get some sun.

Debra Dixon said...

Ran back to Sunbonnet Sue land this weekend when viewing the 30s and 40 feedsack exhibit. Such a part of the American quilting movement.