February 23, 2012


Well, Debra said to "jump in" so here goes, unsure of the height of the diving board and depth of the water, but will definitely get my feet wet!
In 2004 I retired from a full time carreer in the legal profession and continue to attend the office one day each week dealing with wills, probate and tax matters.  I am married and live in the UK and very recently returned from a month's holiday in New Zealand so am playing catch-up as far as my sewing (and everything else) is concerned.
My membership of a patchwork and quilting group gives much enjoyment coupled with learning and fellowship.  Last autumn I was part of Sharon's Encrusted Crazy Quilting course, which for me should have been preceded by my TAST experience!
I am very much looking forward to being a member of Tuesday Stitchers

My TAST project is a Travel Journal and this is my January block (unfinished).   During the month we worked on straight stitches and there are many examples of how differently these may be presented.

The picture shows January's facing page and is used to show additional monthly stitches and  the pocket holds my sample stitches and also travel postcards which have been written up with details of each weekly stitch.


Debra Dixon said...

Plus, we are having great fun traveling along with our heroine as she goes from country to country looking for her beau!

Judy S. said...

Welcome Carol! Your journal is a neat idea, and it doesn't look to me as if you are a beginner! I've just been gone and am playing catch-up also so can relate.... Glad you've joined us!

Suztats said...

Hi Carol and welcome to the group! I'm looking forward to seeing your stitching. I'm doing TAST too, as I haven't been doing CQing for very long (or embroidery, either). I did a few little kits 30 years ago when my kids were small, but nothing until recently. The great thing about this group is learning together and having the support and encouragement of the other members. I am inspired by everyone here.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I was in the encrusted class last time too, great fun. Love your journal, what a great idea with the travel theme!

Cyra said...

Come on in...the water's fine. Glad to have you here Carol.

Hope you had a wonderful time when you were here in New Zealand. What places did you get to visit? I live just an hour drive south of Auckland. Shame I didn't know you were coming or I'd have put up another tent for you in the "Tent City" that we had here on the farm over Christmas, lol.

Love your travel journal. What a unique idea to stitch your way around the world haha. I am really looking forward to see this develop more over the coming months.

Anonymous said...

Great organization! I suspect that's the legal background. =) Lovely stitching on your block. Welcome to the group.

Peacock said...

I was in that run of Encrusted CQ too! Great to cross paths with you again!
I love your CQ project! The colors in your block are wonderful, and the design is very nicely balanced. I love the repetition of circular motifs: the mariners' compasses, the half-a sun rising from behind the lady (or is it setting?), the couched on felt medallions that look a little like coins (you need those for traveling!)
Just fabulous! So much to enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome - LOVE your colors and what an inspired project! :)

Barbara C said...

Welcome Carol to our group! I love the bright clear colors in your project, and the travel theme is very fun. I look forward to seeing more of your work.