February 26, 2012

Angela: TAST Chain Stitch

The stitch for this week's TAST was chain stitch.  A fairly easy stitch and one that is very useful for outlining and making stems among other things.  I went very simple this week with a simple outlined shape.  Something we are all familiar with, the PEACE symbol.  I used a purple pearl cotton this time and a mossy green for the back-stitched words.  Easy peasy this week, the peace symbol took one evening and the words one more evening.  The biggest thing about chain stitch is to keep your tension even and you can see I had a slight issue with that that I didn't see till I was nearly done with it.  I decided to leave it in to remind myself about that issue.
Tuesday's date of February 21 had several historical happenings I considered and I chose 1958, the date the peace symbol, as we know it now, was originally designed by Gerald Holtom for the British Nuclear Disarmament.  I guess us American kind of took it over for use as an anti-war symbol.  Having been born in 1958 I remember a lot about the Vietnam War and the Cold War.  I also remember having a peace symbol necklace waaaay back in the late 1960's, so this seemed pretty appropriate for my journal.


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

It is a good symbol, although I didn't know the history. I graduated in the 60s and remember that peace sign well. I had a brother and several friends in the Vietnam War. Having been originally designed in 1958, it really didn't take long to hit the states. It is funny now because my 12 year old granddaughter decorated her room with it and wears the symbol. What goes around, comes around.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

By the way, your stitching looks really great! I get so carried away with your interesting topics, I forget the stitching~lol.

Suztats said...

Angela, I was 5 when the peace symbol was designed, but I remember it as a child of the 60's and 70's. It was around again (or still) when my daughter was a teen, and it's back again now. I think it's a symbol that everyone can relate to. Perfect choice, and nicely stitched. Isn't tension a bear?

Barbara C said...

A classic choice and execution, Angela. I love your little history lessons.

jenclair said...

I had no idea where the symbol originated! It certainly was a prominent symbol when I was in college. Thanks for sharing the origins, Angela!

Debra Dixon said...

Metal Peace Symbol on a chain is about as American as apple pie. IMHO.

Peacock said...

which is another way of saying that the stitch and the symbol harmonize so well that all we see first is the message! Well done. :)

Peacock said...

Elegant simplicity. A perfect pairing.

Cyra said...

Oh what lovely memories you have brought back, lol. I chain stitched this symbol many times in bright retro colours on my hippy jeans way back when it was fashionable to sew things on your jeans. I also used the chain stitch on a kaftan at that time too. I'd forgotten all about it until I saw your TAST stitch.
Thanks Angela. I love this group.

Judy S. said...

We were just talking about this today at choir; someone was wearing a necklace that included the peace symbol. Your stitching looks great to me! I always look forward to your interesting posts!

Debra Dixon said...

You a hippie? Nah.

Snagged my 1st husband wearing a pair of hiphuggers covered in embroidery.

Anonymous said...

Good historical point!