May 24, 2017

Moira: Finishes and progress on others

Tried posting this before and the system burped and posted it with a date from 2 wks ago.  So trying again to get it to work right.

Finished off the late baby quilt and got it sent off last week.  Made the quilt after seeing a pic of one somewhere.   Love it because the blocks can be made to fit whatever amount of the focus fabric that you have on hand.

I managed to get a quilt sent off for the Hands-2-Help project that Susan and I have been participating in this year.  I sent one that I had made years ago, but then never used or gave to anyone.   It is one of the very few that I've ever made and then washed right after making.

Got the first sample row laid out and fused with the exception of not getting the three wise men added to it.   I still need to cut a large enough piece of Kona block to do that.  This one has the correct layout that I want, but because I wasn't thinking is too long for the actual specs.  So I'm re-thinking a little on the directions and the measurements for it.   Will be June tho before I can really get back to it.  However I did get the draft of the pattern to the gal setting up the row-along.  So that is progress.

And finally I worked on the commissioned origami swans quilt this week.  Got all of the final sets of fabric prepped (fusible ironed to them) and the pieces cut out.  Only to realize that I traced the main body section upside-down to what it should be.  Net result was I had 6 or 7 sets that I have to redo part of them so that they are usable.   These blocks will end up flying in the opposite direction as the ones I've been making.   I'll do that some other time.

In the meantime I pulled more sets of fabric
coordinates and prepped them as replacements.  All of the pieces have now been fused down and I'm working on doing the stitching on them.  There are 31 blocks in process, and 30 already done.....and yes I only need 42 for the commissioned quilt.  But I knew I needed extras in order to be able to play with them as I lay things out to get the look in my head.  Will have enough at the end for a second quilt that I'll finish up and sell.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

The quilts are all wonderful and the wall hanging will surely be too.
So sorry you have to redo the swans, I've done things like that too, I guess we all have!

Anonymous said...

I bet every one of those has been made into a swan by now! You just keep chugging along, come rain or come shine.