March 14, 2017

Moira - another week gone by

Not a lot of stitching going on this last week.  Went to the Dallas Quilt Show on Saturday and have oodles of pics to go through from it.  Found out that the camera battery won't last through TWO quilts goodness for phone cameras....I was able to get pics of the final few quilts that I wanted.

Did get a few more blocks made using the final PP'ing patterns that I've been working on using up.    Only 5 more patterns to go and the leftover patterns from the long-ago quilt will finally all be used....woohoo.....

In other news, my new sewing machine has arrived but I have not unpacked it yet.   I have a couple of projects (called two commissioned quilts) that need to be finished before I can really start working iwth the new machine.  And I don't need the temptation of it being out....altho I do need to check for damage.  ;-)


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I know you will have fun once you get to play with your new toy...uh, I mean tool.

Cyra said...

I like those blocks with the flying geese etc. Glad you got to take photos of quilts at the quilt shows, it's good to keep a big resource for quilt ideas.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in seeing what all these pieces become! Flying geese seem to be the name of the game this week. =)