March 21, 2017

Moira: Another week down

Got the commissioned heart quilt quilted this week.  That was an interesting job - when I'd pinned it I had two problems that weren't found till I finished the pinning.  First there were pleats in the backing fabric and then the backing fabric was about 6" too short thanks to me having turned the top the wrong way on the backing.  =(

I ended up quilting and smoothing/re-pinning a row at a time on it and got the job done in a couple of days.   I plan to put the binding on tonite and hope to ship it out on Friday.  Here's what the back looks like with the additional strip added on.  Next week I'll post a pic of the whole thing.

Next up was sewing the binding down on this table runner.  Still debating about doing more quilting, and looking at it in the pic, I probably will...eventually.  Not sure what I'm going to do with it, maybe sell it.

And the final thing I managed to finish up was getting a sample block made for one of my newest block designs.    The sample block will end up in my stash of blocks for Am. Hero quilts.

And as requested last week - here is the link to my Craftsy store -

Sewn To Own Creations


Judy S. said...

Isn't it interesting how a photo can help you make decisions? I can't wait to see the top side of your heart quilt; I love hearts!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Looks like a perfect backing for the hearts.
The origami runner turned out really pretty as did the sample block, what a great bold image.

Cyra said...

Don't you just hate it when the backing decides to lump together like that. Glad you got it sorted in the end.