March 7, 2017

Angela ~ What Sewing?

I've had an interesting weekend.  My cat brought me 2 of these:

The other one is just now opening his eyes.  I've been feeding them goat milk formula with an eye dropper 3 times a day and will see if they will eat some dandelion greens today.  Hopefully they will be big enough to set free in about a week or so.

No sewing again but I do have a nice stack of more Hats for Vets.
When I finish the one on the loom that will make another 20.  Claire has found a VA hospital that is willing to let her come and distribute hats.  And this is the end of all the yarn Mom & I had.  76 hats total I have made.  Thankfully I have it down to about 2 hours of work.  I've been lots slower since I sprained my thumb though.

Too windy today to spread compost, but hopefully tomorrow I can and get my green beans planted too.


Cyra said...

Wow, that is a lot of hats. You have been very productive to get all of those made and such lovely colours too. They will definitely cheer up the vets on cold days.
Cute bunny. Good on you for rescuing them and feeding them.

Moira said...

Cute bunny! Great looking hats! And wow, you've used up your stash of yarn. Here's hoping you can back out into the garden to work today or tomorrow.